Function Index
$#! · 0-9 · A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K · L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X · Y · Z
 get, pw::Framework
 getAboveRange, pw::Examine
 getActive, pw::Framework
 getActiveMode, pw::Mode
 getActiveSubGrids, pw::EllipticSolver
 getAdaptTargets, pw::Overset
 getAdjacentBlocks, pw::Block
 getAdjacentConnectors, pw::Connector
 getAffectedConnectors, pw::Dimensioner
 getAffectedDomains, pw::Dimensioner
 getAllCommandNames, pw::Application
 getAllEntities, pw::Mode
 getAllowableEntityTypes, pw::Rule
 getAngle, pw::SegmentCircle
 getAnisoHexRange, pw::BlockUnstructured
 getAnisoPrismRange, pw::BlockUnstructured
 getAnisoPyrRange, pw::BlockUnstructured
 getAnisoTetRange, pw::BlockUnstructured
 getAssemblyLog, pw::Overset
 getAssemblyReport, pw::Overset
 getAttachedAttributeDictionaries, pw::DatabaseEntity
 getAttachedAttributeParts, pw::DatabaseEntity
 getAttachmentPoint, pw::Framework
 getAttachmentPointCount, pw::Framework
 getAttribute, pw::IOMode
 getAttributeCount, pw::IOMode
 getAttributeDefinition, pw::IOMode
 getAttributeDefinitions, pw::IOMode
 getAttributeNames, pw::IOMode
 getAttributes, pw::OversetNode
 getAttributeType, pw::OversetNode
 getAttributeValue, pw::OversetNode
 getAttributeValueIndex, pw::OversetNode
 getAutomaticBackgroundSpacing, pw::GridShape
 getAutomaticBoundaryCondition, pw::GridEntity
 getAutomaticSize, pw::Source
 getAutomaticVoxelMaximumSize, pw::BlockUnstructured
 getAutomaticVoxelMinimumSize, pw::BlockUnstructured
 getAverage, pw::Examine
 getAverageSpacing, pw::Connector
 getBaseName, pw::OversetNode
 getBay, pw::Segment
 getBeginParameter, pw::SegmentTrim
 getBeginSpacing, pw::Distribution
 getBelowRange, pw::Examine
 getBisect, pw::QuiltSplitter
 getBisectQuilts, pw::QuiltSplitter
 getBlockRegisters, pw::GridShape
 getBlocks, pw::CutPlane
 getBlocksFromDomains, pw::Block
 getBodyInertialSystemOrigin, pw::OversetNode
 getBodyInertialSystemRotation, pw::OversetNode
 getBodyMotionData, pw::OversetNode
 getBodyMotionRotation, pw::OversetNode
 getBodyMotionScaleFactor, pw::OversetNode
 getBodyMotionStepsCount, pw::OversetNode
 getBodyMotionTimes, pw::OversetNode
 getBodyMotionTransformMatrix, pw::OversetNode
 getBodyMotionTranslation, pw::OversetNode
 getBoundaryClassification, pw::QuiltAssembler
 getBoundaryConditionFilterAdaptation, pw::VolumeMesher
 getBoundaryConditionFilterGroups, pw::VolumeMesher
 getBoundaryConditionFilterNames, pw::VolumeMesher
 getBoundaryConditionFilterPatterns, pw::VolumeMesher
 getBoundaryConditionFilterType, pw::VolumeMesher
 getBoundaryConditionFilterValue, pw::VolumeMesher
 getBoundaryFilterDefinition, pw::DatabaseMesher
 getBoundaryFilterGroups, pw::DatabaseMesher
 getBoundaryFilterGrowthAngle, pw::DatabaseMesher
 getBoundaryFilterGrowthMaximumAspectRatio, pw::DatabaseMesher
 getBoundaryFilterGrowthRate, pw::DatabaseMesher
 getBoundaryFilterGrowthRateDelay, pw::DatabaseMesher
 getBoundaryFilterGrowthType, pw::DatabaseMesher
 getBoundaryFilterGrowthWallSpacing, pw::DatabaseMesher
 getBoundaryFilterMinimumRadiusOfCurvature, pw::DatabaseMesher
 getBoundaryFilterMinimumSubdivisionLength, pw::DatabaseMesher
 getBoundaryFilterNames, pw::DatabaseMesher
 getBoundaryFilterSpacingFactor, pw::DatabaseMesher
 getBoundaryGridEntitiesSpacing, pw::GridShape
 getBoundaryIndex, pw::Surface
 getBoundaryState, pw::QuiltAssembler
 getBreakPoint, pw::Connector
 getBreakPoints, pw::Connector
 getBreakPointType, pw::Connector
 getBreakPointTypes, pw::Connector
 getCAESolver, pw::Application
 getCAESolverAttribute, pw::Application
 getCAESolverAttributeDefinition, pw::Application
 getCAESolverAttributeNames, pw::Application
 getCAESolverDimension, pw::Application
 getCAESolverNames, pw::Application
 getCAEUnsupportedEntities, pw::Application
 getCaseName, pw::Overset
 getCategories, pw::Examine
 getCategoryCount, pw::Examine
 getCellArea, pw::Domain
 getCells, pw::Connector
 getCellVolume, pw::Block
 getCenter, pw::Plane
 getCharacterSlant, pw::Note
 getClipboardCount, pw::Application
 getCloudSize, pw::SurfaceFitter
 getCollarBody, pw::BoundaryCondition
 getCommonEntity, pw::SegmentSpline
 getCompletedEntities, pw::Solver
 getConnector, pw::Edge
 getConnectorCount, pw::Edge
 getConnectorOrientation, pw::Edge
 getConnectorOrientations, pw::Edge
 getConnectorsFromNode, pw::Connector
 getConnectorsFromSpacing, pw::Connector
 getConnectorsInPlane, pw::Connector
 getContainerNodes, pw::OversetNode
 getContainerNodeTypeNames, pw::OversetNode
 getControlPoints, pw::Curve
 getCriterion, pw::Rule
 getCurrentHighlighterPosition, pw::Examine
 getCurrentView, pw::Display
 getCurveGapSizes, pw::SurfaceFitter
 getCurveGapXYZs, pw::SurfaceFitter
 getCut, pw::CutPlane
 getCutPlane, pw::Cut
 getCuts, pw::CutPlane
 getDecay, pw::SourcePointCloud
 getDefinitionFileName, pw::OversetNode
 getDependentEntities, pw::DatabaseEntity
 getDetails, pw::IOMode
 getDictionary, pw::AttributeDictionary
 getDisplayName, pw::OversetNode
 getDistance, pw::Plane
 getDistribution, pw::Connector
 getDocumentation, pw::OversetNode
 getDomainCount, pw::Face
 getDomainOrientation, pw::Face
 getDomains, pw::Face
 getDomainsFromConnectors, pw::Domain
 getDomainSubGridsFromDatabase, pw::DomainStructured
 getElementCount, pw::Grid
 getElementId, pw::OversetNode
 getEnclosingEntitiesSpacing, pw::GridShape
 getEndParameter, pw::SegmentTrim
 getEndSpacing, pw::Distribution
 getEntitiesInBlock, pw::GridShape
 getEntityList, pw::Group
 getEntityNodes, pw::OversetNode
 getEntityViolations, pw::Rule
 getError, pw::ProjectLoader
 getErrorCode, pw::IOMode
 getErrorCodes, pw::IOMode
 getErrorCount, pw::IOMode
 getErrorInformation, pw::IOMode
 getErrors, pw::IOMode
 getExistingDomains, pw::DatabaseMesher
 getExistingSources, pw::DatabaseMesher
 getExtendSplits, pw::QuiltSplitter
 getExtendSplitsQuilts, pw::QuiltSplitter
 getExtents(static), pw::Entity
 getExtremaMode, pw::CutPlane
 getExtrusionBoundaryConditionStepSuppression, pw::DomainStructured
 getFaces, pw::Block
 getFaceTriangles, pw::Shell
 getFaceTrianglesList, pw::Shell
 getFailedEntities, pw::Solver
 getFailedSplitQuilts, pw::QuiltSplitter
 getFailingEntityCount, pw::Rule
 getFailureGroups, pw::IOMode
 getFileInformation, pw::ProjectLoader
 getFileSubType, pw::IOMode
 getFileType, pw::IOMode
 getFileTypeAttribute, pw::Application
 getFileTypeAttributeNames, pw::Application
 getFileVersion, pw::IOMode
 getFilterCount, pw::DatabaseMesher
 getFilterDefinition, pw::DatabaseMesher
 getFilterDefinitions, pw::DatabaseMesher
 getFilterEntityCounts, pw::DatabaseMesher
 getFilterNames, pw::DatabaseMesher
 getFilterTypes, pw::DatabaseMesher
 getFitEntities, pw::SurfaceFitter
 getFitTolerance, pw::Database
 getFont, pw::Note
 getForeignEntityCounts, pw::IOMode
 getForm, pw::CutPlane
 getFramework, pw::Entity
 getFrameworkPath, pw::CutPlane
 getFreeEntities, pw::BoundaryCondition
 getFreeEntityCount, pw::BoundaryCondition
 getGridNodeTypeName, pw::OversetNode
 getGridShape, pw::GridEntity
 getGroupName, pw::QuiltAssembler
 getHandedness, pw::BlockStructured
 getHighOrderSolverAttribute, pw::Block
 getIblank, pw::Block
 getIblankType, pw::Block
 getImageFormats, pw::Display
 getImportedAttribute, pw::DatabaseEntity
 getImportedAttributeNames, pw::DatabaseEntity
 getIncludedEntitiesInBlock, pw::GridShape
 getIncludedSizeFieldEntitiesSpacing, pw::GridShape
 getIncompatibleQuilts, pw::QuiltSplitter
 getInitializationError, pw::BlockUnstructured
 getInitializationErrorCount, pw::BlockUnstructured
 getInitializationErrors, pw::BlockUnstructured
 getInitialResidual, pw::ExtrusionSolver
 getInRange, pw::Examine
 getInstanceCount, pw::Framework
 getIntersectingCells, pw::Domain
 getIntersectingFaces, pw::Shell
 getIntersectPoint, pw::SegmentConic
 getIntervalCount, pw::Examine
 getIntervalLimits, pw::Examine
 getIntervalParameters, pw::Surface
 getIntervalTotal, pw::Examine
 getIntervalTotals, pw::Examine
 getInvalidDistributions, pw::Connector
 getInvalidSplitPoints, pw::QuiltSplitter
 getInvalidSplitQuilts, pw::QuiltSplitter
 getIsoHexRange, pw::BlockUnstructured
 getIsoPrismRange, pw::BlockUnstructured
 getIsoPyrRange, pw::BlockUnstructured
 getIsoTetRange, pw::BlockUnstructured
 getIterationCount, pw::SurfaceFitter
 getLaminaBoundaryGroups, pw::DatabaseMesher
 getLayerEntities, pw::Layer
 getLayerEntityCounts, pw::Layer
 getLightDirection, pw::Display
 getLine, pw::ExamineFilter
 getLineCount, pw::ExamineFilter
 getLineType, pw::ExamineFilter
 getLinkages, pw::Face
 getManifoldBoundaryGroups, pw::DatabaseMesher
 getMappingFilterCount, pw::DatabaseMesher
 getMappingFilterDefinition, pw::DatabaseMesher
 getMappingFilterDefinitions, pw::DatabaseMesher
 getMappingFilterEntityCounts, pw::DatabaseMesher
 getMappingFilterEqualSpacing, pw::DatabaseMesher
 getMappingFilterForceAdjacentGrid, pw::DatabaseMesher
 getMappingFilterMaximumAspectRatio, pw::DatabaseMesher
 getMappingFilterNames, pw::DatabaseMesher
 getMappingResult, pw::DatabaseMesher
 getMaximumAspectRatio, pw::ExtrusionSolver
 getMaximumResidual, pw::ExtrusionSolver
 getMaximumSpacing, pw::Edge
 getMetric, pw::CutPlane
 getMinimumBoundaryGroup, pw::DatabaseMesher
 getMinimumBoundaryGroupLength, pw::DatabaseMesher
 getMinimumJacobian, pw::ExtrusionSolver
 getMinimumSkewAngle, pw::ExtrusionSolver
 getMinimumSpacing, pw::Edge
 getMirrorPlaneEntities, pw::Grid
 getNamedValue, pw::Spacing
 getNamedValueNames, pw::Spacing
 getNodeByDisplayName, pw::OversetNode
 getNormalOrientation, pw::FaceUnstructured
 getOffsetNormal, pw::Curve
 getOffsetPoint, pw::Curve
 getOrientedExtents, pw::Entity
 getOrientedExtents(static), pw::Entity
 getOutdatedEntityCount, pw::Rule
 getOuterFace, pw::BlockUnstructured
 getOutOfSyncAttributes, pw::GridEntity
 getOutOfSyncWithSources, pw::GridEntity
 getOverlappingDomains, pw::DomainStructured
 getOversetAssembler, pw::Application
 getOversetAssemblerAttribute, pw::Application
 getOversetAssemblerNames, pw::Application
 getOversetData, pw::Block
 getOversetDataDimensions, pw::Block
 getOversetIndexList, pw::Block
 getOversetObjectVisibility, pw::GridEntity
 getPair, pw::Merger
 getPairCount, pw::Merger
 getPairs, pw::Merger
 getParent, pw::OversetNode
 getParents, pw::Entity
 getPart, pw::DatabaseEntity
 getPartBoundary, pw::DatabaseEntity
 getPartCount, pw::DatabaseEntity
 getPartOwner, pw::DatabaseEntity
 getPartOwners, pw::DatabaseEntity
 getParts, pw::DatabaseEntity
 getPartXYZ, pw::DatabaseEntity
 getPartXYZs, pw::DatabaseEntity
 getPathCount, pw::Framework
 getPerimeterPointCount, pw::DomainUnstructured
 getProjectName, pw::Application
 getPyramidBaseMaximumHeight, pw::BlockUnstructured
 getPyramidBaseMinimumHeight, pw::BlockUnstructured
 getQuiltCount, pw::Model
 getQuiltGroup, pw::QuiltAssembler
 getQuilts, pw::Model
 getRangeLimits, pw::Examine
 getRedoList, pw::Application
 getReferencingEntities, pw::DatabaseEntity
 getRegisterBoundaryConditions, pw::GridEntity
 getRejectedEntities, pw::DatabaseMesher
 getRepairConnectors, pw::ProjectLoader
 getResult, pw::Collection
 getRho, pw::SegmentConic
 getRMSDistance, pw::SurfaceFitter
 getRoot, pw::Framework
 getRootToTailTransform, pw::Framework
 getRunResult, pw::ExtrusionSolver
 getRuntimeAttribute, pw::Application
 getRuntimeAttributeDefinition, pw::Application
 getRuntimeAttributeNames, pw::Application
 getSamePointTolerance, pw::Database
 getSavedCut, pw::Examine
 getSavedCutCount, pw::Examine
 getSelectedEntities, pw::Display
 getSizeFieldPointCount, pw::GridEntity
 getSizeFieldSpacing, pw::GridShape
 getSolvedAlgorithm, pw::DomainUnstructured
 getSpacing, pw::SourcePointCloud
 getSpecificationXYZs, pw::SourceEntity
 getSplitsCount, pw::QuiltSplitter
 getStateCount, pw::Layer
 getStateCurrentLayer, pw::Layer
 getStateHiddenCount, pw::Layer
 getStateShownCount, pw::Layer
 getStatus, pw::SurfaceFitter
 getStencil, pw::Examine
 getStencilXYZs, pw::Examine
 getStepHeight, pw::ExtrusionSolver
 getStopConditionData, pw::ExtrusionSolver
 getStructuredLink, pw::DomainUnstructured
 getStyle, pw::Note
 getSubConnectorCount, pw::Connector
 getSubConnectorDimension, pw::Connector
 getSubConnectorRange, pw::Connector
 getSubConnectorRanges, pw::Connector
 getSupportEntities, pw::DatabaseEntity
 getSurfaceTrim, pw::Quilt
 getSurfaceTrimCount, pw::Quilt
 getSymmetryLoops, pw::DatabaseMesher
 getTailToRootTransform, pw::Framework
 getText, pw::Note
 getThinSurfaceQuilts, pw::DatabaseMesher
 getTimeStamp, pw::Entity
 getTopLevel, pw::OversetNode
 getTransformation, pw::Note
 getTransverseAngle, pw::Connector
 getTRexFront, pw::BlockUnstructured
 getTRexHexCount, pw::BlockUnstructured
 getTRexLayersOnFront, pw::BlockUnstructured
 getTRexMatchConnectorCount, pw::DomainUnstructured
 getTRexMatchDomainCount, pw::BlockUnstructured
 getTRexPrismCount, pw::BlockUnstructured
 getTRexPyrCount, pw::BlockUnstructured
 getTRexQuadCellCount, pw::DomainUnstructured
 getTRexTetCount, pw::BlockUnstructured
 getTRexTotalLayerHeight, pw::BlockUnstructured
 getTRexTriCellCount, pw::DomainUnstructured
 getType, pw::Object
 getUnbalancedConnectors, pw::Dimensioner
 getUnbalancedDomains, pw::Dimensioner
 getUndoList, pw::Application
 getUniqueErrorCodes, pw::IOMode
 getUniquePointCount, pw::GridEntity
 getUnusedChildNames, pw::OversetNode
 getUsageTopology, pw::GridEntity
 getValidSpecificationTypes, pw::SourceEntity
 getValue, pw::Examine
 getValueAtPoint, pw::Examine
 getValueCount, pw::Examine
 getValues, pw::Examine
 getVerbosity, pw::Application
 getVersion, pw::Application
 getViewName, pw::Display
 getVolumeCondition, pw::GridEntity
 getVolumeEdgeMaximumLength, pw::BlockUnstructured
 getVolumeEdgeMinimumLength, pw::BlockUnstructured
 getVoxelHexRange, pw::BlockUnstructured
 getVoxelMaximumSize, pw::GridShape
 getVoxelMinimumSize, pw::GridShape
 getVoxelPrismRange, pw::BlockUnstructured
 getVoxelPyrRange, pw::BlockUnstructured
 getVoxelTetRange, pw::BlockUnstructured
 getWarningCount, pw::IOMode
 getWarningInformation, pw::IOMode
 getWarnings, pw::IOMode
 getXML, pw::OversetNode
 getXYZsAtIntervals, pw::Surface
 getXYZsAtParameter, pw::Surface
 getXYZsForSplits, pw::QuiltSplitter
 getXYZsOfBay, pw::Segment
 Global, pw::Rule
 greaterThan, pwu::Time
 GridBlockDimension, pw::IOMode
 GridBlockStyle, pw::IOMode
 GridBoundary, pw::GridShape
 GridExportMeshLink, pw::IOMode
 GridExportMeshLinkDatabaseFileName, pw::IOMode
 GridExportMeshLinkDatabaseFileType, pw::IOMode
 GridExportMeshLinkFileName, pw::IOMode
 GridExportMeshLinkFileType, pw::IOMode
 GridExportMirrored, pw::IOMode
 GridExportPolyVoxel, pw::IOMode
 GridFileExtension, pw::Application
 GridPointTolerance, pw::Grid
 GridPreference, pw::Application
 GridStructuredAsUnstructured, pw::IOMode
 GridType, pw::GridShape
 GrowthAngle, pw::TRexCondition
 GrowthAspectRatio, pw::TRexCondition
 GrowthRateDelay, pw::TRexCondition
 GrowthWallSpacing, pw::TRexCondition
pw::Framework get $path
This action returns the framework specified by the name-based path.
$examine getAboveRange
This action gets the number of cells or points that were above the upper cutoff range during the last examine call.
pw::Framework getActive
This action returns the full path to the active framework as a list of pw::Framework objects.
pw::Application getActiveMode
This action returns the active pw::Mode if any, or an empty string if no mode is active.
$solver getActiveSubGrids entity
This action gets the active subgrids in the solver for a given entity.
pw::Overset getAdaptTargets
Get the adaptation targets for the current overset grid assembly.
pw::Block getAdjacentBlocks ?-all? blocks
This action finds blocks adjacent to a starting list of blocks.
pw::Connector getAdjacentConnectors ?-maximumAngle angle? ?-all? connectors
This action finds the connectors adjacent to the given list of connectors.
pw::Domain getAdjacentDomains ?-maximumAngle angle? ?-all? ?-visibleOnly? domains
This action returns a list of domains adjacent to the given domains.
$face getAdjacentDomains ?-includeSelf? ?-manifold? ?-maximumAngle angle? ?-visibleOnly?
This action gets domains adjacent to a face.
$face getAdjacentDomains ?-includeSelf? ?-manifold? ?-maximumAngle angle? ?-nopoles? ?-type option? ?-visibleOnly?
This action gets domains adjacent to a face.
pw::DatabaseEntity getAdjacentEntities ?-tolerance tol? ?-maximumAngle angle? ?-all? ents
This action returns a list of db entities adjacent to the given entities.
pw::GridEntity getAdjacentEntities ?-maximumAngle angle? ?-all? entities
This action gets a list of entities adjacent to the given entities.
$block getAdjacentIndices ?-linear? index
This action returns the indices that are directly connected to the specified index.
$block getAdjacentIndices ?-linear? < index | ijk_index >
This action returns the indices that are directly connected to the specified index.
$block getAdjacentIndices ?-linear? < index | ijk_index >
This action returns the indices that are directly connected to the specified index.
$con getAdjacentIndices ?-linear? index
This action returns the indices that are directly connected to the specified index.
$dom getAdjacentIndices ?-linear? < index | ij_index >
This action returns the indices that are directly connected to the specified index.
$dim getAffectedConnectors
This action gets a list of the connectors that are affected by the dimensioning.
$dim getAffectedDomains
This action gets a list of the domains that are affected by the dimensioning.
pw::AttributeDictionary getAll ?-class class_name?
This action gets a list of all of the current attribute dictionaries.
pw::CutPlane getAll
This action returns all of the currently defined cut planes.
pw::Database getAll ?-framework framework? ?-type type_string? ?-enabledOnly? ?-visibleOnly?
This action gets a list of all database entities.
pw::ExamineFilter getAll
This action gets a list of all of the current filters.
pw::Grid getAll ?-type type_string? ?-gridgenCompatible? ?-framework framework?
This action gets a list of all grid entities.
pw::Group getAll
This action gets a list of all of the current groups.
pw::Rule getAll
This action gets a list of all of the current rules.
pw::Source getAll ?< -grid entities | -shape entities >? ?-framework framework? ?-global?
This action gets a list of all source entities.
pw::Application getAllCommandNames
This action returns the names of all supported glyph commands.
$mode getAllEntities
This action gets a list of entities that are special in this mode.
pw::Rule getAllowableEntityTypes function
This action gets a list of allowable entity types supported by the specified function.
$segment getAlternatePointType
This action gets the type of the alternate point.
$segment getAlternatePointType
This action gets the type of the alternate point.
$segment getAngle
This action gets the angle of this circular arc.
$blk getAnisoHexRange
This action returns the first and last hex in the array that were formed from anisotropic cells.
$blk getAnisoPrismRange
This action returns the first and last prism in the array that were formed from anisotropic cells.
$blk getAnisoPyrRange
This action returns the first and last pyramid in the array that were formed from anisotropic cells.
$blk getAnisoTetRange
This action returns the first and last tet in the array that were formed from voxel cells.
$con getAssembleTolerance
This action returns the maximum tolerance used to close the model along the connector.
$curve getAssembleTolerance
This action returns the maximum tolerance used to close the model along the curve.
pw::Overset getAssemblyLog
Return the log from the last overset grid assembly run.
pw::Overset getAssemblyReport
Return the report from the last overset grid assembly run.
$entity getAttachedAttributeDictionaries ?-part part?
This action returns a list of pw::AttributeDictionary objects that are attached to this entity.
$entity getAttachedAttributeParts attr_dict
This action returns a list of string part names that are attached to the given pw::AttributeDicitionary object.
$framework getAttachmentPoint ?< -name | -location | -up | -forward>? < index | name >
This action returns various values associated with an attachment point of a framework.
$parent getAttachmentPointCount
This action returns the number of attachment points the framework contains.
$io getAttribute att_name
This action gets the named IO mode attribute.
$io getAttributeCount
This action returns the number of currently available IO mode attributes.
$io getAttributeDefinition ?-extended? < index | name >
This action gets the definition of the given IO mode attribute.
$io getAttributeDefinitions
This action gets the named IO mode attribute list.
pw::Database getAttributeDictionary ?-children? ?-attached? ?-class cls? ?-traversed? < dbentity_list | point > dict_name ?attr_keys?
This action gets a dictionary of key-value pairs of attributes that have been attached to the given database entities or the database entities at the given point with the given dictionary name.
$entity getAttributeDictionary ?-part part? ?-children? ?-attached? ?-class cls? ?-modified? ?-traversed? dict_name ?attr_keys?
This action gets a dictionary of key-value pairs of attributes that have been set on this entity with the given dictionary name.
pw::Database getAttributeDictionaryNames ?-children? ?-attached? ?-class cls? < dbentity_list | point >
This action gets a list of string names for the available attribute dictionaries attached to the given database entities or the database entities at the given point.
$entity getAttributeDictionaryNames ?-part part? ?-children? ?-attached? ?-class cls?
This action gets a list of string names for the available attribute dictionaries set on this entity.
$io getAttributeNames ?-regex? ?pattern?
This action returns a list of the names of the currently available IO mode attributes.
$node getAttributes ?< -required | -optional >?
This action returns the list of required or optional attributes for a node in the hierarchy.
$node getAttributeType name
This action returns the type of the attribute for a specified node.
$node getAttributeValue name
This action gets the value of the given attribute.
$node getAttributeValueIndex name value
This action returns index for a value in a list of values
pw::DomainStructured getAutoCompleteHint edges
This action is valid only when 2 or more edges have been defined, it returns a list of connectors that will complete the domain definition.
pw::DomainUnstructured getAutoCompleteHint edge
This action gets a list of connectors that will close an edge to be used for an unstructured domain.
$shape getAutomaticBackgroundSpacing
This action gets the calculated boundary spacing that is used when the BackgroundSpacing attribute is set to 0.0.
$ent getAutomaticBoundaryCondition
This action gets the boundary condition that will automatically be applied to a register when this entity is added to a higher level entity (an edge register if this is a connector, and a face register if this is a domain).
This action gets the size at the given XYZ coordinates from automatic (curvature-based) size field evaluation.
$block getAutomaticVoxelMaximumSize
This action gets the automatic maximum size used when the VoxelMinimumSize parameter is set to 0.0.
$block getAutomaticVoxelMinimumSize
This action gets the automatic minimum size used when the VoxelMinimumSize attribute is set to 0.0.
$examine getAverage
This action gets the average value computed during the last call to examine.
$con getAverageSpacing
This action gets the average spacing between grid points of the connector.
$shape getBaseAngle
This action gets the base angle parameter used to set the shape.
$shape getBaseAngle
This action gets the base angle parameter used to set the shape.
$shape getBaseAngle
This action gets the base angle parameter used to set the shape.
$node getBaseName
This action returns the base name for the element
$shape getBaseXYZ
This action gets the base of the shape in model space.
$shape getBaseXYZ
This action gets the base of the shape in model space.
$shape getBaseXYZ
This action gets the base of the shape in model space.
$segment getBay ?< -parameter | -control | -arc | -X | -Y | -Z | -closest >? value
This actions gets the bay of the segment contained by the given parameter, index, arc length, constant value, or closest point
$segment getBeginParameter
This action gets the begin parameter for the trim segment.
$dist getBeginSpacing
This action gets the requested grid point spacing at the beginning of the distribution.
$examine getBelowRange
This action gets the number of cells or points that were below the lower cutoff range during the last examine or refilter call.
pw::Connector getBestSegment ?-start startVar? ?-end endVar? ?-projectToCommon projectToCommonVar? start_points end_points
This action, given two point-lists, returns a segment type, a start point, an end point, and a ProjectToCommon state that represent the best segment for a connector between the given points.
pw::Curve getBestSegment ?-start startVar? ?-end endVar? ?-projectToCommon projectToCommonVar? start_points end_points
This action, given two point-lists, returns a segment type, a start point, an end point, and a ProjectToCommon state that represent the best segment for a database curve between the given points.
pw::SourceCurve getBestSegment ?-start startVar? ?-end endVar? ?-projectToCommon projectToCommonVar? start_points end_points
This action, given two point-lists, returns a segment type, a start point, an end point, and a ProjectToCommon state that represent the best segment for a source curve between the given points.
$splitter getBisect quilt
This action checks whether the given quilt will be bisected when the SplitMode is set to Bisect.
$splitter getBisectQuilts
This action returns the quilts that will be bisected when the SplitMode is set to Bisect.
$subgrid getBlock
This action gets the block in which this is a subgrid.
$cut getBlock
This method returns the block associated with the cut.
$shape getBlockRegisters ?type?
This action gets the registers of the grid entities currently associated with this grid shape.
$cutPlane getBlocks
This method returns a list of the blocks the cutting plane is monitoring.
pw::Block getBlocksFromDomains domains
This action returns a list of blocks that use the given domains.
$node getBodyInertialSystemOrigin
Get the initial location (XYZ) of the body inertial coordinate system wrt the parent inertial coordinate system
$node getBodyInertialSystemRotation
Get the initial rotation of the body inertial coordinate system with respect to the parent inertial coordinate system
$node getBodyMotionData ?-scaleFactor? < -index positionIndex | -time time | -all >
This action returns the local translation and rotation specified for the body at the given time or position index.
$node getBodyMotionRotation ?-scaleFactor? < -index positionIndex | -time time >
This action returns the local rotation specified for the body at the given time or position index.
$node getBodyMotionScaleFactor < -translation | -rotation >
This action gets the translational or rotational scale factor for the body motion data
$node getBodyMotionStepsCount
This action returns the number of predefined positions of the grid entities linked to a node of the hierarchy.
$node getBodyMotionTimes
This action returns a list of the time stamps for each predefined position.
$node getBodyMotionTransformMatrix < -index positionIndex | -time time > ?topNode?
This action returns the total transformation matrix corresponding to the body motion linked to a node of the hierarchy.
$node getBodyMotionTranslation ?-scaleFactor? < -index positionIndex | -time time >
This action returns the local translation specified for the body at the given time or position index.
pw::Entity getBoundaries ?-enabledOnly? ?-visibleOnly? ?-quilt? entities
This action returns a list of entities that form the boundary of the given entities.
$model getBoundaries
This action gets the model boundary list.
$plane getBoundaries
This action gets all surface boundaries.
$quilt getBoundaries
This action gets a quilt boundary list.
$shell getBoundaries
This action gets a shell boundary list.
$surface getBoundaries
This action gets a surface boundary list.
$tsurf getBoundaries
This action gets a trim surface boundary list.
pw::Model getBoundariesFromCurve <curve>
This action gets all model boundaries that are supported by the given pw::Curve object.
pw::Quilt getBoundariesFromCurve <curve>
This action gets all quilt boundaries that are supported by the given pw::Curve object.
pw::SurfaceTrim getBoundariesFromCurve <curve>
This action gets all trim surface boundaries that are supported by the given pw::Curve object.
$model getBoundary index
This action gets a lamina model boundary.
$plane getBoundary index
This action gets a surface boundary.
$quilt getBoundary index
This action gets a quilt boundary.
$shell getBoundary index
This action gets a shell boundary.
$surface getBoundary < index | boundary >
This action gets a surface boundary.
$tsurf getBoundary index
This action gets a trim surface boundary.
$quilter getBoundaryClassification boundary
This function returns the classification for the specified boundary.
$mesher getBoundaryConditionFilterAdaptation name
This command gets the boundary condition filter’s adaption type.
$mesher getBoundaryConditionFilterGroups ?-shapeSides sidesVar? name
This action returns a list of domains associated with a boundary condition filter.
$mesher getBoundaryConditionFilterNames
This command gets all boundary condition filter names.
$mesher getBoundaryConditionFilterPatterns name
This command gets the boundary condition filter’s patterns.
$mesher getBoundaryConditionFilterType name
This command gets the boundary condition filter’s T-Rex type.
$mesher getBoundaryConditionFilterValue name
This command gets the boundary condition filter’s T-Rex condition value.
$model getBoundaryCount
This action gets the number of boundaries of the model.
$plane getBoundaryCount
This action gets the number of boundaries of the plane
$quilt getBoundaryCount
This action gets the number of boundaries of the quilt.
$shell getBoundaryCount
This action gets the number of boundaries of the shell.
$surface getBoundaryCount
This action gets the number of boundaries of the surface.
$tsurf getBoundaryCount
This action gets the number of boundary curves of the trim surface.
$model getBoundaryCurve index
This action gets a list of pw::Curve objects that serves as the model boundary.
$quilt getBoundaryCurve index
This action gets a list of pw::Curve objects and normalized curve parameters that serves as the quilt boundary.
$tsurf getBoundaryCurve index
This action gets the pw::Curve object that serves as the trim surface boundary.
$model getBoundaryCurves
This action gets the pw::Curve objects that serve as the model boundaries.
$quilt getBoundaryCurves
This action gets the pw::Curve objects and normalized curve parameters that serve as the quilt boundaries.
This action gets the pw::Curve objects that serve as the trim surface boundaries.
$block getBoundaryEdgeMaximumLength
This action gets the calculated maximum boundary edge length based on triangular area of the boundary cells.
$dom getBoundaryEdgeMaximumLength
This action gets the maximum boundary edge length.
$block getBoundaryEdgeMinimumLength
This action gets the calculated minimum boundary edge length based on triangular area of the boundary cells.
$dom getBoundaryEdgeMinimumLength
This action gets the minimum boundary edge length.
$mesher getBoundaryFilterDefinition filter_name
This function returns the current definition for a boundary filter.
$mesher getBoundaryFilterGroups filter_name
This action returns a list of quilt boundaries associated with a boundary filter.
$mesher getBoundaryFilterGrowthAngle filter_name
This action gets the growth angle associated with an Angle boundary filter.
$mesher getBoundaryFilterGrowthMaximumAspectRatio filter_name
This action gets the maximum aspect ratio associated with a boundary filter.
$mesher getBoundaryFilterGrowthRate filter_name
This action gets the growth rate associated with the boundary filter.
$mesher getBoundaryFilterGrowthRateDelay filter_name
This action gets the growth rate delay associated with the boundary filter.
$mesher getBoundaryFilterGrowthType filter_name
This action returns the growth type associated with the boundary filter.
$mesher getBoundaryFilterGrowthWallSpacing filter_name
This action gets the initial growth boundary spacing for a Wall boundary filter.
$mesher getBoundaryFilterMinimumRadiusOfCurvature filter_name
This action gets the lower limit for cell spacing along the boundaries matched by the filter.
$mesher getBoundaryFilterMinimumSubdivisionLength filter_name
This action gets the lower limit for cell spacing along the boundaries matched by the filter.
$mesher getBoundaryFilterNames
This function returns a list of the names of the current boundary filters.
$mesher getBoundaryFilterSpacingFactor filter_name
This function gets the factor used to scale the spacing of the boundaries associated with the filter.
$shape getBoundaryGridEntitiesSpacing ?-estimate?
This action gets the minimum, average and maximum spacing of the boundary grid entities associated with this shape.
$quilt getBoundaryGroups ?-usage use? ?-loop type? ?-untrimmable?
This action gets the groups of boundaries of the quilt.
$tsurf getBoundaryGroups ?-usage use? ?-loop type? ?-untrimable?
This action gets the groups of boundaries of the trim surface.
$surface getBoundaryIndex ?< -U | -V >? parameter
This action returns the boundary index based on UV parameterization.
$quilter getBoundaryState ? -default | -user ? boundary
This function returns the setting for the specified boundary.
$con getBreakPoint index
This action gets the parameter of the break point at the end of the subconnector with the given index.
$con getBreakPoints
This action gets the parameters of the break points at the end of the subconnectors.
$con getBreakPointType index
This action gets the type of break point at the end of the subconnector.
$con getBreakPointTypes
This action gets the type at each break point at the end of the subconnectors.
pw::BoundaryCondition getByEntities register_or_entity_list
This action returns a list of boundary conditions, one for each input entity or register.
pw::TRexCondition getByEntities register_list
This action returns a list of T-Rex condition objects, one for each input register.
pw::AttributeDictionary getByName name
This action gets an attribute dictionary object with the given name.
pw::BoundaryCondition getByName name
This action gets a boundary condition object with the given name.
pw::CutPlane getByName name
This action returns returns a pw::CutPlane using the name.
pw::Database getByName ?-path path? name
This action gets a database entity using the name.
pw::DatabaseEntity getByName ?-path path? name
This action gets a database entity using the name.
pw::Entity getByName ?-path path? name
This action gets an entity with the given name.
pw::ExamineFilter getByName name
This action gets an examine filter object with the given name.
pw::Grid getByName ?-path path? name
This action gets a grid entity using the name.
pw::GridEntity getByName ?-path path? name
This action gets a grid entity using the name.
pw::Group getByName name
This action gets a group with a given name.
pw::Source getByName name
This action gets a source entity using the name.
pw::SourceEntity getByName ?-path path? name
This action gets a source entity using the name.
pw::TRexCondition getByName name
This action gets a T-Rex condition object with the given name.
pw::VolumeCondition getByName name
This action gets a volume condition object with the given name
pw::DatabaseEntity getBySequence number
This action gets a database entity using the sequence number.
pw::SourceEntity getBySequence number
This action gets a source entity using the sequence number.
pw::Application getCAESolver
This action gets the name of the current CAE solver.
pw::Application getCAESolverAttribute attribute_name
This action gets the named CAE solver attribute.
pw::Application getCAESolverAttributeDefinition ?-rangeNamesOnly? attribute_name
This action gets the definition of a CAE solver attribute.
pw::Application getCAESolverAttributeNames ?-group < All | IO | *CAE* >? ?-fullname? ?-regex? ?pattern?
This action gets the available CAE solver attribute names.
pw::Application getCAESolverDimension
This action gets the dimension of the current CAE solver.
pw::Application getCAESolverNames
This action gets the names of the available CAE solvers.
pw::Application getCAEUnsupportedEntities name dimension
This action gets the existing entities unsupported by a CAE solver and dimension.
pw::Overset getCaseName
Get the case name for the current overset grid assembly.
$examine getCategories
This action gets the list of categories for which separate counts are maintained.
$examine getCategoryCount category
This action gets the specified category count for the examine function.
$block getCell index
This action gets the indices of the given cell.
$block getCell < index | ijk_index >
This action gets the indices of the given cell.
$block getCell ?-uncollapsed? < index | ijk_index >
This action gets the indices of the given cell.
$con getCell index
This action gets the indices of the given 1D cell.
$dom getCell index
This action gets the indices of the given cell.
$dom getCell ?-uncollapsed? < index | ij_index >
This action gets the indices of the given cell.
$face getCell index
This action gets the indices of the given cell.
$face getCell ?-uncollapsed? < index | ij_index >
This action gets the indices of the given cell.
$dom getCellArea index
This action gets the area of the given cell.
$block getCellAverageEdgeLength index
This action gets the average edge length of the given cell.
$dom getCellAverageEdgeLength index
This action gets the average edge length of the given cell.
$block getCellCentroid index
This action gets the centroid of the given cell.
$dom getCellCentroid index
This action gets the centroid of the given cell.
$block getCellCount
This action gets the number of cells in this block.
$con getCellCount
This action gets the number of 1D cells in this connector.
$dom getCellCount
This action gets the number of cells in this domain.
$face getCellCount
This action gets the number of cells in this face.
$con getCells
This action gets the indices of all the 1D cells.
$block getCellsUsingIndex ?-linear? index
This action returns the indices that are directly connected to the specified index.
$block getCellsUsingIndex ?-linear? < index | ijk_index >
This action returns the indices that are directly connected to the specified index.
$block getCellsUsingIndex ?-linear? < index | ijk_index >
This action returns the indices that are directly connected to the specified index.
$dom getCellsUsingIndex ?-linear? index
Returns the indices of the cells whose connectivity includes the specified index.
$dom getCellsUsingIndex ?-linear? < index | ij_index >
Returns the indices of the cells whose connectivity includes the specified index.
$block getCellVolume index
This action gets the volume of the given cell.
$plane getCenter
This action gets the center point on this plane.
$splitter getCenterPoint quilt
This action gets the center point of the given quilt, which can be used to aid in setting the split points.
$segment getCenterPoint
This action gets the center point of the circle.
$shape getCenterXYZ
This action gets the center of the shape in model space.
$shape getCenterXYZ
This action gets the center of the shape in model space.
$shape getCenterXYZ
This action gets the center of the shape in model space.
This command returns the angle each character is slanted as measured from the baseline (90 degrees is the default representing no slant).
$parent getChild < index | name >
This action returns a pw::Framework object.
$node getChild ?< -index | -name >? value
This action gets the child at the given index or name.
$parent getChildCount
This action returns the number of framework children for this framework.
$node getChildCount
This action gets the number of children for this node.
pw::Entity getChildren ?-enabledOnly? ?-visibleOnly? ?-constrained? entities
This action returns the topological children of the given entities.
$node getChildren
This action gets the children for this node.
pw::Application getClipboardCount ?-type type_string?
This action returns the number of items explicitly copied to the clipboard.
$fitter getCloudSize surf
This action gets the size of the point cloud used in the fit of the particular surface created in this mode.
$bc getCollarBody
This action gets the collar body of a boundary condition (Suggar++ only).
$segment getCommonEntity
This action gets the entity that is common to all control points.
$solver getCompletedEntities
This action returns the list of entities completed by the last call to run or resume.
$solver getCompletedSteps
This action returns the number of steps completed by the last call to run or resume.
$solver getCompletedSteps
This action returns the number of steps completed by the last call to run.
$solver getCompletedTRexLayers
This action gets the number of completed T-Rex layers of the current entity of the unstructured solver.
$solver getCompletedTRexLayers
This action gets the number of completed T-Rex layers of the current entity of the voxel solver.
$cut getComputationalPlaneDirection
If the plane is defined as a computational plane, this returns the const computational direction (either “I”, “J”, or “K”).
$cutPlane getComputationalPlaneDirection
If the plane is defined as a computational plane, this returns the const computational direction (either “I”, “J”, or “K”).
$cut getComputationalPlaneIndex
This action gets the constant index of the computational plane.
$cutPlane getComputationalPlaneIndex
This action gets the constant index of the computational plane.
$edge getConnector index
This action gets a connector from this edge.
$edge getConnectorCount
This action gets the number of connectors in this edge.
$edge getConnectorOrientation index
This action gets the orientation of a connector in this edge.
This action gets the orientation of all connectors in this edge.
$edge getConnectors
This action gets the connector list.
$node getConnectors
This action gets the connectors of this node.
pw::Connector getConnectorsFromNode node
This action gets a list of all connectors using the specified node.
pw::Connector getConnectorsFromSpacing ?-details? ?-global? spacing
This action gets a list of all connectors using the specified spacing object.
pw::Connector getConnectorsInPlane ?-tolerance tol? ?-lamina? ?-loops? ?-secondary plane? plane entities
This action looks for connectors in a plane, with the candidate connectors given explicitly or implicitly from the given entities.
pw::OversetNode getContainerNodes
This action returns a list of container nodes in the tree
This action returns the type names of the container elements for the current overset assembler.
$con getControlPointCount
This action gets the number of control points on this connector.
$curve getControlPointCount
This action gets the number of control points on this curve.
$srcCrv getControlPointCount
This action gets the number of control points on this source curve.
$curve getControlPoints
This action gets the control point array of this curve.
pw::Database getCount ?-framework framework? ?-type type_string?
This action gets the number of entities in the database.
pw::Grid getCount ?-type type_string? ?-gridgenCompatible?
This action gets the number of grid entities.
pw::Layer getCount
This action gets the number of layers.
pw::Source getCount
This action gets the number of soure entities.
$rule getCriterion
This action gets the measurement to used, the comparison operand, and the limit being checked.
$solver getCurrentEntity
This action gets the current entity of the unstructured solver.
$solver getCurrentEntity
This action gets the current entity of the voxel solver.
$examine getCurrentHighlighterPosition
This action gets the value of the current highlighter position.
$solver getCurrentStage
This action gets the current stage of the unstructured solver.
$solver getCurrentStage
This action gets the current stage of the voxel solver.
pw::Display getCurrentView
This action gets the current view of the display.
pw::Database getCurve boundary
This action gets the corresponding pw::Curve for a boundary, if any.
$segment getCurve
This action gets the curve that this trim segment trims.
$fitter getCurveGapSizes
This action gets a list of floats that represents the size of any gaps discovered during the last call to createSurfacesFromCurves or createPatch.
$fitter getCurveGapXYZs
This action gets a list of vectors that represents the locations of any gaps discovered during the last call to createSurfacesFromCurves or createPatch.
$cutPlane getCut $block
This function returns the cut object corresponding to the intersection of this cut plane through the specified block.
$cut getCutPlane
This action returns the owning pw::CutPlane object.
$cutPlane getCuts
This action returns the individual cut objects associated with this cut plane.
$entity getDatabaseEntities
This action gets all database entities the grid entity is using.
$subgrid getDatabaseEntities
This action gets all database entities the subgrid entity is using.
$entity getDatabaseEntities
This action gets all database entities the grid entity is using.
$point getDecay index
This action gets the decay of the point at the given index of the source point cloud.
$con getDefaultProjectDirection
This action gets the default projection direction for this connector.
$curve getDefaultProjectDirection
This action gets the default projection direction for this curve.
$dom getDefaultProjectDirection
This action gets the default projection direction for this domain.
$subgrid getDefaultProjectDirection
This action gets the default projection direction for this subgrid.
$point getDefaultProjectDirection
This action gets the default projection direction for this point.
$srcCrv getDefaultProjectDirection
This action gets the default projection direction for this source curve.
pw::OversetNode getDefinitionFileName
This action returns true if an input definition file exists.
$entity getDependentEntities
This action gets the entities that require this entity to exist.
pw::Application getDescription < point | coord >
This action gets the description of the given point or grid coordinate.
$entity getDescription
This action gets the description of how this entity was defined.
pw::Layer getDescription number
This action gets a layer’s description.
$entity getDescription
This action gets the description of how this entity was defined.
$io getDetails
This action gets the details of the last IO operation.
$attr getDictionary ?-modified? ?attr_keys?
This action gets a dictionary of key-value pairs of attributes that are defined by this attribute dictionary.
$con getDimension
This action gets the dimensions of this connector.
$edge getDimension
This action gets the dimension of this edge.
$block getDimensions
This action gets the dimension of this block.
$con getDimensions
This action gets the dimensions of this connector.
$dom getDimensions
This action gets the dimensions of this domain.
$face getDimensions
This action gets the dimensions of this face.
$node getDimensions
This action gets the dimensions of this node.
$fitter getDimensions surf
This action gets the dimension of the control points of the particular surface created in this mode.
$curve getDiscontinuities ?angle?
This action returns a list of parameters at discontinuities with a bend angle greater than the given angle.
$srcCrv getDiscontinuities ?angle?
This action returns a list of parameters at discontinuities with a bend angle greater than the given angle.
$surface getDiscontinuities ?< -U | -V >? ?angle?
This action returns a list of parameters in the given direction at discontinuites with a bend angle greater than the given angle.
$node getDisplayName
This action returns the ‘display’ name for the element
$plane getDistance
This action gets the signed distance of this plane from the origin.
$con getDistribution ?-copy? index
This action gets the distribution function of a subconnector.
$node getDocumentation
This action returns the documentation for the element
$subgrid getDomain
This action gets the domain in which this is a subgrid.
$face getDomain index
This action gets a domain from this face.
$face getDomainCount
This action gets the number of domains in this face.
$face getDomainOrientation index
This action gets the orientation of a domain in this face.
$face getDomains
This action gets all domains in a face.
pw::Domain getDomainsFromConnectors connectors
This action returns a list of domains that use the given connectors.
pw::DomainStructured getDomainsFromDatabase ?-exclusive? database
This action gets a list of domains that are constrained to the given databases.
pw::DomainUnstructured getDomainsFromDatabase ?-exclusive? database
This action gets a list of domains that are constrained to the given databases.
pw::DomainStructured getDomainSubGridsFromDatabase ?-exclusive? database
This action gets a list of subgrids that are constrained to the given databases.
$dom getEdge index
This action gets the edge at the given index.
$domain getEdge < index | boundary >
This action gets the edge at the given index or computational boundary.
$face getEdge index
This action gets an edge from this face.
$dom getEdgeCount
This action gets the number of edges in this domain.
$face getEdgeCount
This action gets the number of edges in this face.
$dom getEdges
This action gets the edges of the domain.
$face getEdges
This action gets all edges from this face.
pw::Grid getElementCount type ?-skip3DCells? ?-frameworks? ?entity_list?
This command returns the number of elements for the given type.
$node getElementId
This action returns the element ID
$block getEllipticSolverAttribute ?-face index? att_name ?value_type?
This action gets the named elliptic solver attribute.
$subgrid getEllipticSolverAttribute ?-face index? att_name ?value_type?
This action gets the named elliptic solver attribute.
$dom getEllipticSolverAttribute ?-edge index? att_name ?value_type?
This action gets the named elliptic solver attribute.
$subgrid getEllipticSolverAttribute ?-edge index? att_name ?value_type?
This action gets the named elliptic solver attribute.
$block getEllipticSolverResidual ?-subgrid index? dataVar
This action gets the last elliptic solver residual info for the block/subgrid at the given index.
$domain getEllipticSolverResidual ?-subgrid index? dataVar
This action gets the last elliptic solver residual info for the domain/subgrid at the given index.
$cutPlane getEnabled
This function returns whether or not the cutting plane is enabled.
$filter getEnabled index
This action returns whether the line at the given index is enabled.
$shape getEnclosingEntities
This action gets the enclosing entities associated with this shape.
$shape getEnclosingEntities
This action gets the enclosing entities associated with this shape.
$shape getEnclosingEntities
This action gets the enclosing entities associated with this shape.
$shape getEnclosingEntitiesSpacing
This action gets the minimum, average and maximum spacing of the enclosing entities associated with this shape.
$segment getEndParameter
This action gets the end parameter for the trim segment.
$dist getEndSpacing
This action gets the requested grid point spacing at the end of the distribution.
$attr getEntities
This action gets a list of entities that this dictionary has been attached to.
$bc getEntities ?-visibility onoff?
This action returns the entities that this boundary condition has been applied to.
$examine getEntities
This action the list of entities being examined.
$mode getEntities
This action gets a list of entities that were included when this mode began.
$vc getEntities ?-visibility onoff?
This action returns the entities that this volume condition has been applied to.
pw::GridShape getEntitiesInBlock enclosingEnts
This action returns the entities that would be used in a block when a grid shape has IncludeEnclosingEntitiesInBlock set to true and the given entities are the enclosing entities.
pw::Application getEntity < point | coord >
This action gets the entity of the given point or grid coordinate.
pw::Database getEntity point
This action gets the database entity of the given point.
pw::Grid getEntity coord
This action gets the grid entity at the given grid coordinates
$group getEntity index
This action gets an entity from the group.
$node getEntity ?-path?
This action gets the grid entity linked to a node of the hierarchy.
$bc getEntityCount ?-visibility onoff?
This action returns the number of entities that this boundary condition has been applied to.
$collection getEntityCount
This action returns the number of entities in a collection.
$examine getEntityCount ?-entities entsVar?
This action gets the number of entities being examined and optionally sets a variable to the list of entities.
$group getEntityCount
This action returns the number of entities in a group.
$rule getEntityCount ?-entities entsVar?
This action gets the number of entities monitored by the rule and optionally gets the list of entities.
$vc getEntityCount ?-visibility onoff?
This action returns the number of entities that this volume condition has been applied to.
$group getEntityList
This action returns all the entities in a group as a list.
$node getEntityNodes
This action returns a list of nodes that have entity references
$rule getEntityViolations ?-locations locationsVar? ?-percent percentVar? entity
This action gets the number of rule violations for a specific entity.
$loader getError
This action reports the last I/O error detected when processing the file.
$io getErrorCode index
This action gets the code of the given error.
This action gets the error code list
$io getErrorCount
This action gets the number of errors that occurred during the last IO operation.
$io getErrorInformation index
This action gets the information of the given error.
$io getErrors
This action gets the list of information of the given errors.
$entity getExcludedSources
This action gets all source entities that are being explicitly excluded from affecting the grid of this entity
$shape getExcludedSources
This action gets all source entities that are being explicitly excluded from affecting the grid generated by this shape
$mesher getExistingDomains
This action gets a list of domains that are dependent upon the quilts included in the mode.
$mesher getExistingSources
This action gets a list of sources that are dependent upon the quilts included in the mode.
pw::Database getExportFileTypes dbentity_list
This action gets a list of file types that can export all of the given entities.
pw::Grid getExportFileTypes ?-facesOnly? entity_list
This action gets a list of file types that can export all of the given entities.
$splitter getExtendSplits quilt
This action checks whether the given quilt will extend the splits of any neighboring quilts into itself.
$splitter getExtendSplitsQuilts
This action returns the quilts that will extending splits.
pw::Database getExtents ?-enabledOnly? ?-visibleOnly?
This action gets the extents of the database.
$mesher getExtents
This action gets the extents of the models of the mode.
$entity getExtents
This action gets the extents of this entity.
pw::Grid getExtents ?-enabledOnly? ?-visibleOnly?
This action gets the extents of the grid entities.
pw::Source getExtents ?-enabledOnly? ?-visibleOnly?
This action gets the extents of the source entities.
pw::Entity getExtents entities
This action gets the extents of the given entities.
$cutPlane getExtremaMode
This method returns the current extrema setting for the cut plane group.
$block getExtrusionBoundaryCondition edge_con_pair
This action gets the boundary condition at a given connector region.
$block getExtrusionBoundaryCondition edge_con_pair
This gets the boundary condition at a given connector region.
$domain getExtrusionBoundaryCondition edge_side
This action gets the boundary condition at a given edge side.
$domain getExtrusionBoundaryConditionStepSuppression edge_side
This action gets the step suppression factor applied to the boundary condition at a given edge side.
$block getExtrusionSolverAttribute att_name ?value_type?
This action gets the named extrusion solver attribute.
$block getExtrusionSolverAttribute att_name ?value_type?
This gets the named extrusion solver attribute.
$dom getExtrusionSolverAttribute att_name ?value_type?
This action gets the named extrusion solver attribute.
$block getFace index
This action gets the face at the given index.
$block getFace < index | boundary >
This action gets the face at the given index or computational boundary.
$block getFace < index | KMinimum | KMaximum | IMinimum | IMaximum | JMinimum | JMaximum >
This action gets the face at the given index or computational boundary.
$block getFaceCount
This action gets the number of faces in this block.
$shell getFaceCount
This action gets the number of faces in the shell.
$block getFaces
This action gets the face list.
$shell getFaceTriangles index
This action gets the vertices of the triangles for a face in the shell.
$shell getFaceTrianglesList
This action gets the vertices of all the triangles for a face in the shell.
$solver getFailedEntities
This action returns the list of entities failed by the last call to run or resume.
$splitter getFailedSplitQuilts
This action returns the list of pw::Quilt objects that were attempted to be split during the last call to splitCurves, but failed to be split.
$rule getFailingEntityCount ?-entities entsVar?
This action gets the number of failing entities monitored by the rule and optionally gets the list of entities.
$io getFailureGroups
This action gets the groups that were created during import to group left over entities when an entity has conversion problems.
$loader getFileInformation option
This action initializes returns information about the file after the mode has been initialized with the file name.
$io getFileSubType
This action gets the mode’s file type.
$io getFileType ?-nomap?
This action gets the mode’s file type.
pw::Application getFileTypeAttribute filetype_id attribute_name
This action gets the named file type attribute.
pw::Application getFileTypeAttributeNames filetype_id
This action gets the named file type attribute.
pw::Application getFileTypes ?-mode < DatabaseImporter | DatabaseExporter | GridImporter | GridExporter >? ?-file filename?
This action gets the available filetype ids.
$io getFileTypes
This action gets a list of the file types that can export all of the entities of this mode.
$io getFileTypes
This action gets a list of the file types that can export all of the entities of this mode.
$io getFileTypes
This action gets a list of the file types that are supported for database entity import.
$io getFileTypes
This action gets a list of the file types that can export all of the entities of this mode.
$io getFileTypes
This action gets a list of the file types that are supported for grid entity import, with certain file types excluded based on the current CAE and dimension.
$io getFileTypes
This action gets a list of the file types that are supported for source import - currently only PCD-formatted files are imported.
$io getFileVersion
This action gets the mode’s file version.
$mesher getFilterCount ?-type filter_type?
This action returns the number of filters of the given filter_type defined in the mesher mode.
$mesher getFilterDefinition ?-type filter_type? ?-dict? < index | name >
This action gets the definition of a filter identified by index or name.
$mesher getFilterDefinitions ?-type filter_type? ?-dict?
This action gets a list of all filter definitions of the given filter_type.
$mesher getFilterEntityCounts ?-type filter_type? ?-includeEntities? ?-dict?
This action matches the name of each mode entity against the filter patterns in filter priority order and returns the match count for each filter.
$mesher getFilterNames ?-type filter_type? ?-regex? ?pattern?
This action returns a list of filter names defined in the mesher mode filter_type.
$mesher getFilterTypes
This action returns a list of supported filter type names.
$fitter getFitEntities surf
This action gets the list of pw::DatabaseEntity objects that a surface created in this mode will be fitted to when the fitter runs.
pw::Database getFitTolerance
This action gets the fit tolerance for database operations.
$note getFont
This command returns the font used by the note.
$io getForeignEntityCounts
This action gets the counts of foreign entities processed by the mode.
$cutPlane getForm
This action returns the cutting form of the cutting plane.
$entity getFramework
This action returns the pw::Framework to which this entity belongs.
$cutPlane getFrameworkPath
This function returns the path to the framework instance in which the cutting plane resides.
$bc getFreeEntities ?-visibility onoff?
This action returns the entities that this boundary condition has been applied to.
$bc getFreeEntityCount ?-visibility onoff?
This action returns the number of free entities that this boundary condition has been applied to.
pw::Examine getFunctionNames
This action gets a list of allowable function names.
pw::Rule getFunctionNames
This action gets a list of allowable function names.
$con getGeometricProperties ?-curve curveVar? ?-surface surfaceVar? ?-directional directionalVar? ?-orthogonal orthogonalVar? ?< -grid | -control | -parameter | -arc | -X | -Y | -Z | -closest >? value
This action calculates the geometric properties at the specified position on the connector.
$curve getGeometricProperties ?-curve curveVar? ?-surface surfaceVar? ?-directional directionalVar? ?-orthogonal orthogonalVar? ?< -grid | -control | -parameter | -arc | -X | -Y | -Z | -closest >? value
This action calculates the geometric properties at the specified position on the curve.
pw::Database getGeometricProperties ?-curve curveVar? ?-surface surfaceVar? ?-directional directionalVar? ?-orthogonal orthogonalVar? point
This action calculates the geometric properties at the specified database point.
$entity getGridEntities
This action gets the grid entities that this entity supports.
$shape getGridEntities ?-type type_string?
This action gets the grid entities currently associated with this grid shape.
pw::OversetNode getGridNodeTypeName
This action returns the type name of the grid element for the current overset assembler.
$entity getGridShape
This action gets the pw::GridShape object that was used to create this grid entity using the updateGridEntities action.
$dim getGroup < index | con >
This action gets the connectors of a dimensioning group using the group index or a connector.
$quilter getGroup $group_index
This function returns a list of the quilts in the specified group.
$dim getGroupCount
This action gets the number of connector dimensioning groups.
$quilter getGroupCount
This function returns the number of quilt groups.
$quilter getGroupName $group_index
This function returns the name of the specified group.
$dim getGroups
This action gets the connectors of all of the dimensioning groups.
$entity getGroups
This action gets the groups that this entity is an explicit member of.
$block getHandedness
This actioin gets whether a block is left- or right-handed.
$shape getHeight
This action gets the height parameter used to set the shape.
$shape getHeight
This action gets the height parameter used to set the shape.
$shape getHeight
This action gets the height parameter used to set the shape.
$block getHighOrderSolverAttribute att_name
This action gets the named high order solver attribute.
$block getIblank ?-path path? index
This action returns the IBLANK data for a block.
$block getIblankType ?-path path?
This action returns the IBLANK type for a block.
pw::Display getImageFormats
This action returns a list of available image format options for the saveImage command.
$entity getImportedAttribute attribute_name
This action gets the type and value of an entity attribute.
$entity getImportedAttributeNames ?-regex? ?pattern?
This action gets the entity’s available attribute names.
$shape getIncludedEntitiesInBlock ?type?
This action returns a list of pw::GridEntity objects that will be included in the block when the IndcludeEntitiesInBlock attribute is set to true.
$entity getIncludedSizeFieldEntities ?-global? ?-recursive?
This action gets all entities that are being explicitly included in the size field that affects the grid of this entity.
$shape getIncludedSizeFieldEntities ?-global?
This action gets all entities that are being explicitly included in the size field that affects the grid generated by this shape
$shape getIncludedSizeFieldEntitiesSpacing
This action gets the minimum, average and maximum spacing of the explicitly included size field entities of this shape.
$splitter getIncompatibleQuilts ?-type location_type?
This action returns the list of pw::Quilt objects that are incompatible with the current settings of this mode.
$block getInitializationError ?-points? index
This action gets a specific error message from the last initialization attempt.
$block getInitializationErrorCount
This action gets the number of errors from the last attempt at initializing the block.
$block getInitializationErrors
This action gets the error message list.
$dom getInitializeMethod ?-axis pointVar normalVar?
This action gets the initialization method for this domain.
$subgrid getInitializeMethod ?-axis pointVar normalVar?
This action gets the initialization method for this subgrid.
$solver getInitialResidual
This action gets the initial (requested) residual of the last step run.
$examine getInRange
This action gets the number of cells or points between the lower and upper cutoff limits (inclusive) during the last examine or refilter call.
$parent getInstanceCount
This action returns the number of times the framework is instanced (i.e., a child of another framework).
$model getInteriorCurves
This action gets all the curves that are at least partially on the interior of the trim surfaces of the quilts of this model.
$plane getInteriorCurves
This action gets all the curves that are at least partially on the surface.
$quilt getInteriorCurves
This action gets all the curves that are at least partially on the interior of the trim surfaces of this quilt.
$surface getInteriorCurves
This action gets all the curves that are at least partially on the surface.
$tsurf getInteriorCurves
This action gets all the curves that are at least partially on the interior of the trim surface, but not used in the boundaries.
$block getInteriorState
This action gets the interior state of this block.
$domain getInteriorState
This action gets the interior state of this domain.
pw::Domain getIntersectingCells domains
This action determines the set of intersecting cells among the provided domains.
pw::Shell getIntersectingFaces shells
This action determines the set of intersecting faces among the provided database shells.
$segment getIntersectPoint
This action gets the tangent intersection point of the conic.
$examine getIntervalCount
This action gets the number of intervals used for the histogram when examine or refilter was last run.
$examine getIntervalLimits
This action gets the limits of all intervals in the histogram.
$surface getIntervalParameters ?< -U | -V >
This action gets the list of interval parameters in the U or V direction on a surface.
$examine getIntervalTotal interval
This action gets the number of values in the specified interval.
$examine getIntervalTotals
This action gets the number of values in all intervals.
pw::Connector getInvalidDistributions ?-all?
This action finds connectors that have invalid distributions.
$splitter getInvalidSplitPoints ?-type location_type?
This action returns the list of integer point indices that are an invalid split specification or the split location failed to be created.
$splitter getInvalidSplitQuilts ?-type location_type?
This action returns the list of pw::Quilt objects that have an invalid split specification or failed creation of split locations.
$blk getIsoHexRange
This action returns the first and last hex in the array that were formed from isotropic cells.
$blk getIsoPrismRange
This action returns the first and last prism in the array that were formed from isotropic cells.
$blk getIsoPyrRange
This action returns the first and last pyramid in the array that were formed from isotropic cells.
$blk getIsoTetRange
This action returns the first and last tet in the array that were formed from voxel cells.
$fitter getIterationCount surf
This action gets the number of iterations of fitting for a particular surface created in this mode.
$mesher getLaminaBoundaryGroups classify
This action gets a list of lamina quilt boundary lists of a certain classification.
pw::Layer getLayerEntities ?-type type_string? number
This action returns the entities in a layer.
pw::Layer getLayerEntityCounts ?-enabled enabledVar? ?-disabled disabledVar? number
This action gets the number of entities in a layer.
$con getLength ?< -grid | -control | -parameter | -arc | -X | -Y | -Z | -closest >? value
This action gets the connector length from the beginning to a given location.
$curve getLength ?< -parameter | -control | -arc | -X | -Y | -Z | -closest >? value
This action gets the curve length from the beginning to a given location.
$shape getLength
This action gets the length parameter used to set the shape.
$segment getLength ?< -parameter | -control | -arc | -X | -Y | -Z | -closest >? value
This action gets the length of the portion of the segment from the beginning to the given parameter, index, arc length, constant value, or closest point.
$shape getLength
This action gets the length parameter used to set the shape.
$srcCrv getLength ?< -parameter | -control | -arc | -X | -Y | -Z | -closest >? value
This action gets the curve length from the beginning to a given location.
$shape getLength
This action gets the length parameter used to set the shape.
pw::Display getLightDirection ?sceneVar?
This action returns the display’s lighting direction.
$filter getLine index
This action gets the filter line at the given index.
$blk getLinearIndex ijk_index
This converts a block’s ijk index to a linear index.
$blk getLinearIndex ijk_index
This converts a block’s ijk index to a linear index.
$dom getLinearIndex ij_index
This converts a domain’s ij index to a integer linear index.
$filter getLineCount
This action gets the number of lines that defines the filter
$filter getLineType index
This action gets the type of a line in the filter
$face getLinkages domain
This action gets the possible ways a domain can be added to a face.
$mesher getManifoldBoundaryGroups classify
This action gets a list of manifold quilt boundary lists of a certain classification.
$mesher getMappingFilterCount ?-type filter_type?
This action returns the number of mapping filters of the defined in the mesher mode.
$mesher getMappingFilterDefinition ?-type filter_type? ?-dict? < index | name >
This action gets the definition of a mapping filter identified by index or name.
$mesher getMappingFilterDefinitions ?-dict?
This action gets a list of all mapping filter definitions.
$mesher getMappingFilterEntityCounts ?-type filter_type? ?-includeEntities? ?-dict?
This action matches the name of each mode entity against the mapping filter patterns in filter priority order and returns the match count for each filter.
$mesher getMappingFilterEqualSpacing < name | index >
This action returns whether a mapping filter uses equal spacing.
$mesher getMappingFilterForceAdjacentGrid < name | index >
This action returns whether a mapping filter forces adjacent grid spacing on neighboring surface grids.
$mesher getMappingFilterMaximumAspectRatio < name | index >
This action returns the maximum aspect ratio allowed for a mapped domain.
$mesher getMappingFilterNames ?-regex? ?pattern?
This action returns a list of mapping filter names defined in the mesher mode.
$mesher getMappingResult ?-details detailVar? domain
This action gets whether or not a created unstructured domain was mapped to a structured domain.
$subgrid getMaximum
This action gets the maximum ijk limits of this subgrid.
$subgrid getMaximum
This action gets the maximum ij limits of this subgrid.
$examine getMaximum ?-entity entVar? ?-location locVar?
This action gets the maximum value computed during the last call to examine.
$solver getMaximumAspectRatio
This action gets the maximum aspect ratio of the last step run.
$solver getMaximumResidual
This action gets the maximum residual of the last step run.
pw::Edge getMaximumSpacing edges
This action gets the maximum spacing between grid points of the given edges.
pw::CutPlane getMetric
This function returns the current block metric used by pw::CutPlane objects.
$subgrid getMinimum
This action gets the minimum ijk limits of this subgrid.
$subgrid getMinimum
This action gets the minimum ij limits of this subgrid.
$examine getMinimum ?-entity entVar? ?-location locVar?
This action gets the minimum value computed during the last call to examine.
$mesher getMinimumBoundaryGroup
This action gets the quilt boundary group with the minimum length.
$mesher getMinimumBoundaryGroupLength
This action gets the length of the minimum boundary group.
$solver getMinimumJacobian
This action gets the minimum Jacobian of the last step run.
$solver getMinimumSkewAngle
This action gets the minimum skew angle of the last step run.
pw::Edge getMinimumSpacing edges
This action gets the minimum spacing between grid points of the given edges.
pw::Grid getMirrorPlaneEntities ?-partial partial_var? ?-other other_var? ?-plane plane? mirrored_var unmirrored_var ?entity_list?
Processes entity_list for the given plane.
$quilt getModel
This action gets the model that contains this quilt.
$tsurf getModel
This action gets the model that contains this trim surface.
$cutPlane getName
This function returns the name of the cutting plane.
$node getName
This gets the system assigned node name.
$spacing getName
This action returns the name of the spacing if it is a named spacing value.
pw::Spacing getNamedValue name
This action returns value of a named spacing value.
pw::Spacing getNamedValueNames
This action returns a list of named spacing values.
pw::BoundaryCondition getNames
This action gets a list of boundary condition names.
pw::TRexCondition getNames
This action gets a list of T-Rex condition names.
pw::VolumeCondition getNames
This action gets a list of volume condition names.
$con getNode < Begin | End | index >
This action gets a node from a connector.
$edge getNode < Begin | End | index >
This action gets a node from an edge.
pw::OversetNode getNodeByDisplayName ?-body? displayName
This action gets a node by its display name.
pw::Database getNormal point
This action returns the normal at the specified database point.
$shape getNormal ?< -parameter | -closest >? value
This action gets the normal of the surface in model space at the given parameter.
$plane getNormal
This action gets the normal of this plane.
$segment getNormal
This action gets the current circle normal.
$shape getNormal ?< -parameter | -closest >? value
This action gets the normal of the surface in model space at the given parameter.
$shape getNormal ?< -parameter | -closest >? value
This action gets the normal of the surface in model space at the given parameter.
$face getNormalOrientation
This action gets the orientation of the face normals.
$shape getObjectXYZ ?< -parameter | -closest >? value
This action gets the position of the surface in object space at the given parameter.
$shape getObjectXYZ ?< -parameter | -closest >? value
This action gets the position of the shape in object space at the given parameter.
$shape getObjectXYZ ?< -parameter | -closest >? value
This action gets the position of the surface in object space at the given parameter.
pw::Curve getOffsetNormal ?-flip? curve point ?dir?
This action finds the best offset normal vector from this curve to a point.
pw::Curve getOffsetPoint ?-flip? curve target_point ?dir?
This action gets the best offset point for the given curve.
$entity getOrientedExtents ?-frame widthDir heightDir? ?-tolerance tol?
This action gets the oriented extents of this entity.
pw::Entity getOrientedExtents ?-frame widthDir heightDir? ?-tolerance tol? entities
This action gets the oriented extents of the given entities.
$rule getOutdatedEntityCount ?-entities entsVar?
This action gets the number of outdated entities monitored by the rule and optionally gets the list of entities.
$block getOuterFace
This action returns the block’s outer face.
$entity getOutOfSyncAttributes
This action checks if the grid entity is currently out of sync with its attributes.
$entity getOutOfSyncWithSources
This action checks if the grid entity is currently out of sync with its sources.
pw::DomainStructured getOverlappingDomains edges
This action will get the domains that share corners with the edges passed in.
pw::Application getOversetAssembler
This action gets the name of the current overset assembler.
pw::Application getOversetAssemblerAttribute attribute_name
This action gets the named overset assembler attribute.
pw::Application getOversetAssemblerNames ?dimension?
This action gets the names of the available overset assemblers.
$block getOversetData ?-path path? <Volume | VertexList | Donor | DonorCandidateList> index
This action returns overset data of the given type at the specified index.
$block getOversetDataDimensions ?-path path?
This action returns the original block point or cell dimensions used by the most recent import of overset assembly data.
$block getOversetIndexList ?-path path? ?-fringe? ?-hole? ?-orphan?
This action returns the list of original block indices for a given overset object type.
$entity getOversetObjectVisibility ?-path path?
This action returns the named overset render attribute.
$cut getOversetRenderAttribute < FringeOption | ShowHoleGrid | ShowHoleSymbol | ShowOrphans | ShowOrphanDonorCandidates >
This action returns the overset render attributes for the cut.
$cutPlane getOversetRenderAttribute < FringeOption | ShowHoleGrid | ShowHoleSymbol | ShowOrphans | ShowOrphanDonorCandidates >
This action returns the overset render attributes for the cutting plane.
$merger getPair ?-delta deltaVar? ?-status statusVar? index
This action gets a pair of entities with the given index.
$merger getPairCount
This action gets the number of pairs found from the last findPairs action.
$merger getPairs
This action gets all the pairs of entities.
$con getParameter ?< -grid | -control | -parameter | -arc | -X | -Y | -Z | -closest >? value
This action gets a parameter value on a connector.
$curve getParameter ?< -parameter | -control | -arc | -X | -Y | -Z | -closest >? value
This action gets a normalized parameter value on a curve.
$segment getParameter ?< -parameter | -control | -arc | -X | -Y | -Z | -closest >? value
This action gets the parametric value of the segment at the given parameter, index, arc length, constant value, or closest point.
$srcCrv getParameter ?< -parameter | -control | -arc | -X | -Y | -Z | -closest >? value
This action gets a parameter value on a curve.
$con getParameters ?< -X | -Y | -Z >? value
This action gets the parameters at which the curve intersects the value.
$curve getParameters ?< -X | -Y | -Z >? value
This action gets the parameters at which the curve intersect the value.
$srcCrv getParameters ?< -X | -Y | -Z >? value
This action gets the parameters at which the curve intersects the value.
$node getParent
This action gets the parent for this node.
pw::Entity getParents ?-enabledOnly? ?-visibleOnly? ?-constrained? entities
This action returns the topological parents of the given entities.
$entity getPart part_type < index | point | boundary >
This action gets a string representing a part of the entity that can be used to reference the part in other actions.
$entity getPartBoundary part_name
This action gets the entity boundary for the given part of this entity.
$entity getPartCount part_type
This action gets the number of parts of the entity of a given type.
$entity getPartOwner part_name
This action gets the DatabaseEntity object that owns the given part of this entity and the part name within that entity.
$entity getPartOwners part_names
This action gets a list of the DatabaseEntity object that owns the given parts of this entity and the part name within that entity.
$entity getParts ?-filter filter? part_type
This action gets a list of strings representing parts of the entity that can be used to reference the part in other actions.
$entity getPartXYZ part_name
This action gets the xyz vector for the given part of this entity.
$entity getPartXYZs part_names
This action gets a list of xyz vectors for the given parts of this entity.
$parent getPathCount
This action returns the number of times the framework and the specified child is referenced by a permanent framework path (such as grid entities referencing sources).
$dom getPerimeterPointCount
This action gets the number of grid points on the perimeter of the entity.
$con getPeriodic ?-transform matrixVar?
This action gets the connector that shares a periodic link with this connector.
$dom getPeriodic ?-transform matrixVar?
This action gets the domain that shares a periodic link with this domain.
pw::BoundaryCondition getPhysicalTypes ?-usage type?
This action gets a list of physical type names.
pw::VolumeCondition getPhysicalTypes
This action gets a list of physical type names.
$cut getPlane ?-D?
This action gets the plane coefficients if the plane is a physical plane.
$cutPlane getPlane ?-D?
This action gets the plane coefficients if the plane is a physical plane.
$plane getPlane ?-D?
This action gets the plane coefficients.
This routine gets the center point on the plane if a physical plane is defined.
This routine gets the center point on the plane if a physical plane is defined.
$cut getPlaneDistance
For physical cutting planes, this returns the signed distance from the origin to the plane (the value of D in the plane equation Ax + By + Cz = D).
$cutPlane getPlaneDistance
For physical cutting planes, this returns the signed distance from the origin to the plane (the value of D in the plane equation Ax + By + Cz = D).
$cut getPlaneNormal
For physical cutting planes, this returns the plane normal.
$cutPlane getPlaneNormal
For physical cutting planes, this returns the plane normal.
$cut getPlaneType
This action returns whether the cutting plane type is a physical or computational type.
$cutPlane getPlaneType
This action returns whether the cutting plane type is a physical or computational type.
$block getPoint ?-constrained constrainedVar? index
This action gets the position of a block grid point.
$block getPoint ?-constrained constrainedVar? < index | ijk_index >
This action gets the position of a block grid point.
$block getPoint ?-constrained constrainedVar? < index | ijk_index >
This action gets the position of a block grid point.
$con getPoint ?-constrained constrainedVar? index
This action gets the position of a connector grid point.
$dom getPoint ?-constrained constrainedVar? index
This action gets the position of a domain grid point.
$dom getPoint ?-constrained constrainedVar? < index | ij_index >
This action gets the position of a domain grid point.
$edge getPoint index
This action gets the position of an edge grid point.
$face getPoint index
This action gets the position of a face grid point.
$face getPoint < index | ij_index >
This action gets the position of a face grid point.
pw::Grid getPoint coord
This action gets the position of the given grid coordinates.
$node getPoint ?-constrained constrainedVar? ?index?
This action gets the position of a node.
$point getPoint
This action gets the control point of this database point.
$splitter getPoint index
This action gets the split point at the given index.
$segment getPoint index
This action gets the control point at the given index.
$point getPoint
This action gets the control point of this soiurce point.
$edge getPointCount
This action gets the number of points in this edge.
$face getPointCount
This action gets the number of points in this face.
pw::Grid getPointCount ?<Node | Connector | Domain | Block>?
This action gets the number of points in the entire grid.
$entity getPointCount ?-constrained constrainedVar? ?-owned?
This action gets the number of grid points in the given entity.
$node getPointCount ?-constrained constrainedVar?
This action gets the number of grid points in the node.
$splitter getPointCount
This action gets the number of explicit points to split at.
$segment getPointCount
This action gets the number of control points of this curve segment.
This action gets the number of points in the point cloud.
$con getPoints
This action gets all the connector grid points.
$edge getPoints
This action gets all the edge grid points.
$shape getPoints
This action gets the points parameter used to set the shape.
$splitter getPoints
This action gets all the split points.
$segment getPoints
This action gets all the control points.
$shape getPoints
This action gets the points parameter used to set the shape.
$shape getPoints
This action gets the points parameter used to set the shape.
$block getPosition ?-grid? index
This action gets the position in the defining space of the block at the given index.
$block getPosition ?-grid? < index | ijk_index >
This action gets the position in the defining space of the block at the given index.
$block getPosition ?-grid? < index | ijk_index >
This action gets the position in the defining space of the block at the given index.
$con getPosition ?< -grid | -control | -parameter | -arc | -X | -Y | -Z | -closest >? value
This action gets a position on a connector in the defining space of the connector.
$curve getPosition ?< -parameter | -control | -arc | -X | -Y | -Z | -closest >? value
This action gets a position on a curve in the defining space of the curve.
$dom getPosition ?-grid? value
This action gets a position in the defining space of the domain.
$dom getPosition ?-grid? value
This action gets the position in the defining space of the domain at the given index.
$edge getPosition ?-index? value
This action gets the position in the defining space of the edge at the given index.
$face getPosition ?-index? value
This action gets the position in the defining space of the face at the given index.
$face getPosition ?-index? value
This action gets the position in the defining space of the face at the given index.
$shape getPosition ?< -parameter | -closest >? value
This action gets the position in the defining space of the shape at the given parameter.
$note getPosition
This command returns the position of the lower left corner of the first character.
$plane getPosition ?-parameter? value
This action gets the position in the defining space of the plane at the given parameter.
$point getPosition ?< -parameter | -index > value?
This action gets the position in the defining space of the point at the given parameter or index.
$segment getPosition ?< -parameter | -control | -arc | -X | -Y | -Z | -closest >? value
This action gets the position in the defining space of the segment at the given parameter, index, arc length, or constant value.
$shape getPosition ?< -parameter | -closest >? value
This action gets the position in the defining space of the shape at the given parameter.
$srcCrv getPosition ?< -parameter | -control | -arc | -X | -Y | -Z | -closest >? value
This action gets a position on a curve in the defining space of the curve.
$point getPosition ?< -parameter | -index > value?
This action gets the position in the defining space of the point at the given parameter or index.
$shape getPosition ?< -parameter | -closest >? value
This action gets the position in the defining space of the shape at the given parameter.
$surface getPosition ?-parameter? value
This action gets the position in the defining space of the surface at the given parameter.
$tsurf getPosition ?-parameter? value
This action gets the position in the defining space of the surface at the given parameter.
$shape getPrimitive
This action gets the current primitive type string of this shape with values being < None | Sphere | Cylinder | Box | Polygon >
$shape getPrimitive
This action gets the current primitive type string of this shape with values being < None | Sphere | Cylinder | Box | Polygon >
$shape getPrimitive
This action gets the current primitive type string of this shape with values being < None | Sphere | Cylinder | Box | Polygon >
pw::Application getProjectName
This action returns the project name which includes the file path and the filename of the currently associated file.
$block getPyramidBaseMaximumHeight
This action gets the calculated maximum height of the pyramids based on the prescribed aspect ratio and the base area of the cells.
This action gets the calculated minimum height of the pyramids based on the prescribed aspect ratio and the base area of the cells.
$model getQuilt index
This action gets the quilt at the given index.
$segment getQuilt
This action gets the quilt to which this curve is constrained.
$tsurf getQuilt
This action gets the quilt that contains this trim surface.
$model getQuiltCount
This action gets the number of quilts in this model.
$quilter getQuiltGroup $quilt
This function returns the identifier number of the group containing the quilt.
$model getQuilts
This action gets the quilts of this model
$shape getRadius
This action gets the radius parameter used to set the shape.
$shape getRadius
This action gets the radius parameter used to set the shape.
$shape getRadius
This action gets the radius parameter used to set the shape.
$con getRadiusOfCurvature ?-surface? ?< -grid | -control | -parameter | -arc | -X | -Y | -Z | -closest >? value
This action returns the radius of curvature at the specified position on the connector.
$curve getRadiusOfCurvature ?-surface? ?< -control | -parameter | -arc | -X | -Y | -Z | -closest >? value
This action returns the radius of curvature at the specified position on this curve.
pw::Database getRadiusOfCurvature ?-surface? point
This action returns the radius of curvature at the specified database point.
$examine getRangeLimits
This action returns the lower and upper cutoff limits.
pw::Application getRedoList
This action returns the list of redo levels available.
$entity getReferencingEntities
This action gets the entities that reference this entity, but not necessarily depend on it to support.
$ent getRegisterBoundaryConditions
This action returns the register boundary conditions for all registers in which this entity is used.
$bc getRegisterCount ?-visibility onoff?
This action returns the number of registers that this boundary condition has been applied to.
$bc getRegisterCount ?-visibility onoff?
This action returns the number of registers that this boundary condition has been applied to.
$bc getRegisters ?-visibility onoff?
This action returns the registers that this boundary condition has been applied to.
$bc getRegisters ?-visibility onoff?
This action returns the registers that this boundary condition has been applied to.
$mesher getRejectedEntities
This action gets a list of database entities that a surface mesh was not able to be constructed on during the createSurfaceMesh action.
$cut getRenderAttribute < FillMode | LineMode >
This action gets the cut’s fill and line render attributes.
$cutPlane getRenderAttribute < FillMode | LineMode >
This action gets the cut plane’s fill and line render attributes.
$entity getRenderAttribute att_name
This action gets the named render attribute.
$loader getRepairConnectors ?-averageChange avgVar? ?-maximumChange maxVar?
This action returns the connectors that have grid points that are out of sync with their distribution functions when the RepairMode attribute is set to Defer.
$collection getResult entity ?resultVar?
This action obtains the results of the last do operation.
$segment getRho
This actions gets the rho value of the conic.
$fitter getRMSDistance surf
This action gets the RMS distance of the fit and point cloud for a particular surface created in this mode.
pw::Framework getRoot
This action returns the root (global) framework system.
pw::Framework getRootToTailTransform path
This action returns a transformation matrix which will convert a point in the coordinate system of the framework specified by the root of the path to the coordinate system of the framework specified as the tail of the path.
$solver getRunResult
This action gets the result of the last extrusion solver run.
pw::Application getRuntimeAttribute attribute_name
This action gets the value of the named runtime attribute.
pw::Application getRuntimeAttributeDefinition ?-rangeNamesOnly? attribute_name
This action gets the definition of a runtime attribute.
pw::Application getRuntimeAttributeNames ?-regex? ?pattern?
This action gets the available runtime attribute names.
pw::Database getSamePointTolerance
This action gets the same point tolerance for database operations.
pw::Examine getSavedCut index
This action gets the specified saved cut for block examine.
pw::Examine getSavedCutCount
This action gets the number of saved cuts for block examine.
$bc getScalarNames
This action gets the boundary condition scalar names.
$vc getScalarNames
This action gets the volume condition scalar names.
$bc getScalarValue name
This action gets the value of a boundary condition scalar.
$vc getScalarValue name
This action gets the value of a volume condition scalar.
$con getSegment ?-copy? index
This action gets the segment at the given index.
$curve getSegment ?-copy? index
This action gets the segment at the given index.
$srcCrv getSegment ?-copy? index
This action gets the segment at the given index.
$con getSegmentCount
This action gets the number of segments in this connector.
$curve getSegmentCount
This action gets the number of segments in this curve.
$srcCrv getSegmentCount
This action gets the number of segments in this curve.
$con getSegments ?-copy?
This action gets the list of segments.
$curve getSegments ?-copy?
This action gets all the segments.
$srcCrv getSegments ?-copy?
This action gets the list of segments.
pw::Display getSelectedEntities ?-selectionmask mask? resultVar
This action allows the user to query the display for the current set of selected entities.
$segment getShoulderPoint
This action gets the shoulder point of the circle.
$segment getShoulderPoint
This action gets the shoulder point of the conic.
$cut getShrinkFactor
This action returns the shrink factor specified for the cut.
$cutPlane getShrinkFactor
This action returns the shrink factor specified for the cut plane.
pw::Display getSize
This action returns the size of the current display window.
$note getSize
This command returns the font size of the note as measured by the height of the letter ‘M’.
pw::Source getSize points background_spacing ?-include source_list? ?-exclude source_list? ?-calculationMethod method?
This action gets the size at the given XYZ coordinates from source evaluation.
$entity getSizeFieldPointCount
This action gets the number of point primitives that will be used when generating the size field that affects this entity.
$shape getSizeFieldSpacing
This action gets the minimum, average and maximum spacing of the size field associated with this shape.
$shape getSlope
This action gets the slope type string used for creating the shape.
$segment getSlope
This action gets the method for calculating the slope vector of all control points.
$segment getSlope
This action gets the method for calculating the slope vector of all control points.
$shape getSlope
This action gets the slope type string used for creating the shape.
$shape getSlope
This action gets the slope type string used for creating the shape.
$segment getSlopeIn index
This action gets the incoming slope vector of the given control point.
$segment getSlopeIn index
This method gets the incoming slope vector of the given control point.
$segment getSlopeOut index
This action gets the outgoing slope vector of the given control point.
$segment getSlopeOut index
This action gets the outgoing slope vector of the given control point.
$dom getSolvedAlgorithm
This action gets the algorithm that was used when initializing the interior of the domain.
$point getSpacing index
This action gets the spacing of the point at the given index of the source point cloud.
$entity getSpecificationXYZs
This action gets the representative xyz locations of specified spacing and decay values for this source
$splitter getSplitsCount ?-type location_type? ?-quilts quilt_list? ?-points index_list?
This action gets the count of split locations.
$face getState
This action gets the state of this face.
pw::Layer getState index
This action gets the name of the given saved state.
pw::Layer getStateCount
This action gets the number of saved states.
pw::Layer getStateCurrentLayer name
This action gets the current layer of the given saved state.
pw::Layer getStateHiddenCount name
This action gets the number of hidden layers of the given saved state.
pw::Layer getStateShownCount name
This action gets the number of shown layers of the given saved state.
$fitter getStatus surf
This action gets the status of the fit for a particular surface created in this mode.
$examine getStencil ?-type typeVar? < entity | boundary > index
This action gets the grid or database coordinates for the examined element of an entity at a given point or cell index depending upon whether grid or database entities are being examined.
$examine getStencilXYZs ?-type type_var? < entity | boundary > index
This action gets the XYZ values for the examined element of an entity at a given point or cell index.
$solver getStepHeight
This action gets the height of the last step run.
$solver getStopConditionData index
This action gets the stop criteria data of the last run at the given index.
$dom getStructuredLink
This action gets the underlying structured domain this domain is linked to.
$note getStyle
This command returns the style associated with the note.
$con getSubConnectorCount
This action gets the number of subconnectors in this connector.
$con getSubConnectorDimension ?index?
This action gets the dimension of a subconnector in this connector.
$con getSubConnectorRange index
This action gets the minimum and maximum grid point indices of a subconnector.
$con getSubConnectorRanges
This action gets the minimum and maximum grid point indices of all subconnectors.
$block getSubGrid index
This action gets the subgrid at the given index.
$dom getSubGrid index
This action gets the subgrid at the given index.
$block getSubGridCount
This action gets the number of subgrids in this block.
$dom getSubGridCount
This action gets the number of subgrids in this domain.
$block getSubGrids
This action gets the subgrid list.
$dom getSubGrids
This action gets the subgrid list.
$entity getSupportEntities
This action gets the entities that this entity requires.
$segment getSurface
This action gets the surface to which this curve is constrained.
$tsurf getSurface
This action gets the surface being trimmed.
$dom getSurfaceEdgeMaximumLength
This action gets the calculated maximum surface edge length based on triangluar area of the cells.
pw::Face getSurfaceEdgeMaximumLength faces
This action gets the calculated maximum surface edge length based on area of cells in all given faces.
$dom getSurfaceEdgeMinimumLength
This action gets the calculated minimum surface edge length based on triangluar area of the cells.
pw::Face getSurfaceEdgeMinimumLength faces
This action gets the calculated minimum surface edge length based on area of cells in all given faces.
$quilt getSurfaceTrim index
This action gets the trim surface at the given index.
$quilt getSurfaceTrimCount
This action gets the number of trim surfaces in this quilt.
$model getSurfaceTrims
This action gets the trimmed surfaces of this model
$quilt getSurfaceTrims
This action gets the trimmed surfaces of this quilt
$tsurf getSurfaceTrims
This action returns itself.
$mesher getSymmetryLoops ?symmetry?
This action gets a list of symmetry loops, where each loop is a list of quilt boundaries that are lamina and lie on a symmetry plane.
pw::Framework getTailToRootTransform path
This action returns a transformation matrix which will convert a point in the coordinate system of the framework specified by the tail of the path to the coordinate system of the framework specified as the root of the path.
$con getTangent ?< -grid | -control | -parameter | -arc | -X | -Y | -Z | -closest >? value
This action gets the tangency vector on a connector.
$curve getTangent ?< -parameter | -control | -arc | -X | -Y | -Z | -closest >? value
This action gets the tangency vector on the curve at a location.
$segment getTangent ?< -parameter | -control | -arc | -X | -Y | -Z | -closest >? value
This action gets the tangency vector on the segment at a location.
$curve getTangent ?< -parameter | -control | -arc | -X | -Y | -Z | -closest >? value
This action gets the tangency vector on the source curve at a location.
$note getText
This command returns the text associated with the note.
$mesher getThinSurfaceQuilts
This action gets the quilts that are detected as thin surfaces, such as a blunt trailing edge of a wing.
$entity getTimeStamp
This action gets the timestamp of an entity.
$shape getTopAngle
This action gets the top angle parameter used to set the shape.
$shape getTopAngle
This action gets the top angle parameter used to set the shape.
$shape getTopAngle
This action gets the top angle parameter used to set the shape.
$shape getTopHeight
This action gets the top height parameter used to set the shape.
$shape getTopHeight
This action gets the top height parameter used to set the shape.
$shape getTopHeight
This action gets the top height parameter used to set the shape.
pw::OversetNode getTopLevel
This action gets the top-level node for the current overset assembler.
$shape getTopRadius
This action gets the top radius parameter used to set the shape.
$shape getTopRadius
This action gets the top radius parameter used to set the shape.
$shape getTopRadius
This action gets the top radius parameter used to set the shape.
$shape getTopWidth
This action gets the top width parameter used to set the shape.
$shape getTopWidth
This action gets the top width parameter used to set the shape.
$shape getTopWidth
This action gets the top width parameter used to set the shape.
$shape getTopXYZ
This action gets the top of the shape in model space.
$shape getTopXYZ
This action gets the top of the shape in model space.
$shape getTopXYZ
This action gets the top of the shape in model space.
$con getTotalLength ?-constrained constrainedVar?
This action gets the total length of the connector.
$curve getTotalLength ?-constrained constrainedVar?
This action gets the total length of the curve.
pw::Database getTotalLength < curve | boundary >
This action gets the total length of a pw::Curve or boundary.
$segment getTotalLength
This action gets the total length of the segment.
$srcCrv getTotalLength ?-constrained constrainedVar?
This action gets the total length of the curve.
$note getTransformation
This command returns the transformation matrix used to transform the text from its local XY plane into global coordinates.
$cut getTransparency
This action returns the transparency setting for the cut.
$cutPlane getTransparency
This action returns the transparency setting for the cut plane group.
$con getTransverseAngle < ?-tolerance tol? | ?-toleranceMultiplier multiplier? | ?-sampleDistance distance? > ?-type typeVar? ? < -grid | -control | -parameter | -arc | -X | -Y | -Z | -closest > ? value
This action gets the transverse angle, in degrees, at a position on a connector in the defining space of the connector, and optionally whether the connector is convex or concave at that position.
$blk getTRexCellCount
This action gets the number of T-Rex cells in the block.
$dom getTRexCellCount
This action gets the number of T-Rex cells in the domain generated by the last run of the solver.
$block getTRexFront domains
This action takes an input list of domains on the block and determines which TRex fronts they lie on, if any.
$blk getTRexFullLayerCount
This action gets the number of T-Rex full layers in the block generated by the last run of the solver.
$dom getTRexFullLayerCount
This action gets the number of T-Rex full layers in the domain generated by the last run of the solver.
$blk getTRexHexCount
This action gets the number of T-Rex hex cells in the block.
$block getTRexLayersOnFront fronts
This action takes a list of front ids and determines how many full and max layers are associated with the front.
$dom getTRexMatchConnectorCount ?-nodeCount nodeCountVar?
This action gets the number of match connectors emanating from the adjacent grid/wall BC conditions within this domain.
$blk getTRexMatchDomainCount ?-connectorCount connectorCountVar?
This action gets the number of match domains emanating from the adjacent grid/wall BC conditions within this block.
$blk getTRexMatchGrowthRate
This action gets the minimum, average, and maximum growth rates of the match domains connected to the adj grid/wall BCs of this block.
$dom getTRexMatchGrowthRate
This action gets the minimum, average, and maximum growth rates of the match connectors connected to the adj grid/wall BCs of this domain.
$blk getTRexMatchInitialSpacing
This action gets the minimum, average, and maximum initial spacing of the match domains connected to the adj grid/wall BCs of this block.
$dom getTRexMatchInitialSpacing
This action gets the minimum, average, and maximum initial spacing of the match connectors connected to the adj grid/wall BCs of this domain.
$blk getTRexMatchLayerCount
This action gets the minimum, average, and maximum layer count of the match domains connected to the adj grid/wall BCs of this block.
$dom getTRexMatchLayerCount
This action gets the minimum, average, and maximum layer count of the match connectors connected to the adj grid/wall BCs of this domain.
$blk getTRexPrismCount
This action gets the number of T-Rex prism cells in the block.
$blk getTRexPyrCount
This action gets the number of T-Rex pyr cells in the block.
$dom getTRexQuadCellCount
This action gets the number of T-Rex quadrilateral cells in the domain generated by the last run of the solver.
$blk getTRexTetCount
This action gets the number of T-Rex tet cells in the block.
$blk getTRexTotalLayerCount
This action gets the number of T-Rex total layers in the block generated by the last run of the solver.
$dom getTRexTotalLayerCount
This action gets the number of T-Rex total layers in the domain generated by the last run of the solver.
$blk getTRexTotalLayerHeight
This action gets the non-dimensional summed height of a TRex front at a specified layer.
$dom getTRexTriCellCount
This action gets the number of T-Rex triangular cells in the domain generated by the last run of the solver.
$object getType
This action gets the type of this object.
$dim getUnbalancedConnectors ?-initial? ?-modified? ?-balanced?
This action gets a list of the connectors that are unbalanced.
$dim getUnbalancedDomains
This action gets a list of the domains that are unbalanced.
pw::Application getUndoList
This action returns the list of undo levels available.
$io getUniqueErrorCodes
This action gets the unique errors from the last IO operation.
pw::GridEntity getUniquePointCount <-type type | entities>
This action returns the number of unique points among the specified node, connector, domain and/or block entities (contained in a list of entities) or identified by specifying the entity type.
$block getUnstructuredSolverAttribute att_name ?value_type?
This action gets the named unstructured solver attribute.
$dom getUnstructuredSolverAttribute att_name ?value_type?
This action gets the named unstructured solver attribute.
$node getUnusedChildNames
This action returns the list of possible children.
$entity getUsageTopology
This action gets the grid entity’s usage topology type.
$entity getValidSpecificationTypes
This action returns the valid specification types for this entity.
$examine getValue < entity | boundary > index
This action gets the computed value at a location within an entity.
$examine getValueAtPoint entity index
This action gets the computed value at a grid point location within an entity.
$examine getValueCount ?< entity | boundary >?
This action gets the number of computed values either for a specific entity or for all entities.
$examine getValues < entity | boundary >
This action gets the list of computed values within an entity.
pw::Application getVerbosity
This command reports the current level of filtering for text output by the application.
pw::Application getVersion
This action gets the program and version of the application.
pw::Display getViewName slot
This action returns the name of the saved view.
$ent getVolumeCondition
This action gets the volume condition of this entity.
$block getVolumeEdgeMaximumLength
This action gets the calculated maximum volume edge length based on tetrahedral volume of the cells.
$block getVolumeEdgeMinimumLength
This action gets the calculated minimum volume edge length based on tetrahedral volume of the cells.
$blk getVoxelHexRange
This action returns the first and last hex in the array that were formed from voxel cells.
$shape getVoxelMaximumSize
This action gets the calculated voxel maximum size for a newly created voxel block from this grid shape.
$shape getVoxelMinimumSize
This action gets the calculated voxel minimum size for a newly created voxel block from this grid shape.
$blk getVoxelPrismRange
This action returns the first and last prism in the array that were formed from voxel cells.
$blk getVoxelPyrRange
This action returns the first and last pyramid in the array that were formed from voxel cells.
$blk getVoxelTetRange
This action returns the first and last tet in the array that were formed from voxel cells.
$io getWarningCount
This action gets the number of warnings that occurred during the last IO operation.
$io getWarningInformation index
This action gets the information of the given warning.
$io getWarnings
This action gets the information of the all the warnings.
$shape getWidth
This action gets the width parameter used to set the shape.
$shape getWidth
This action gets the width parameter used to set the shape.
$shape getWidth
This action gets the width parameter used to set the shape.
$node getXML
This action returns the object as an XML string.
pw::Application getXYZ < point | coord >
This action gets the 3D position of the given point or grid coordinate.
$block getXYZ ?-grid? index
This action gets the position of the block in model space at the given index.
$block getXYZ ?-grid? < index | ijk_index >
This action gets the position of the block in model space at the given index.
$block getXYZ ?-grid? < index | ijk_index >
This action gets the position of the block in model space at the given index.
$con getXYZ ?< -grid | -control | -parameter | -arc | -X | -Y | -Z | -closest >? value
This action gets the model space position on a connector.
$curve getXYZ ?< -parameter | -control | -arc | -X | -Y | -Z | -closest >? value
This action gets a position on the curve in model space.
pw::Database getXYZ point
This action gets the 3D position of the given point.
$dom getXYZ ?-grid? value
This action gets a position of the domain in model space.
$dom getXYZ ?-grid? value
This action gets the position of the domain in model space at the given index.
$edge getXYZ ?-index? value
This action gets the position of the edge in model space at the given index.
$examine getXYZ < entity | boundary > index
This action gets the sample point at a location within an entity.
$face getXYZ ?-index? value
This action gets the position of the domain in model space at the given index.
$face getXYZ ?-index? value
This action gets the position of the face in model space at the given index.
pw::Grid getXYZ coord
This action gets the 3D position of the given grid coordinate.
$shape getXYZ ?< -parameter | -closest >? value
This action gets the position of the surface in model space at the given parameter.
$node getXYZ ?-grid? ?value?
This action gets the XYZ location of this node.
$surface getXYZ ?-parameter? value
This action gets the position of the plane in model space at the given parameter.
$point getXYZ ?< -parameter | -index > value?
This action gets the position of the point in model space at the given parameter or index
$segment getXYZ ?< -parameter | -control | -arc | -X | -Y | -Z | -closest >? value
This action gets the position of the segment in model space at the given parameter, index, arc length, constant value, or closest point.
$shape getXYZ ?< -parameter | -closest >? value
This action gets the position of the shape in model space at the given parameter.
$srcCrv getXYZ ?< -parameter | -control | -arc | -X | -Y | -Z | -closest >? value
This action gets the model space position on a curve.
$point getXYZ ?< -parameter | -index > value?
This action gets the position of the point in model space at the given parameter or index
$point getXYZ index
This action gets the xyz of the point at the given index of the source point cloud.
$shape getXYZ ?< -parameter | -closest >? value
This action gets the position of the surface in model space at the given parameter.
$surface getXYZ ?-parameter? value
This action gets the position of the surface in model space at the given parameter.
$tsurf getXYZ ?-parameter? value
This action gets the position in model space of the surface at the given parameter.
$block getXYZsAtIndex ?< -I | -J | -K >? index
This action gets a grid of points in the given direction at the given index.
$dom getXYZsAtIndex ?< -I | -J >? index
This action gets a line of points in the given direction at the given index.
$surface getXYZsAtIntervals ?dimensionVar?
This action gets a list of points along the U- and V-intervals.
$surface getXYZsAtParameter ?< -U | -V >? parameter
This action gets a list of points along a constant parameter of a surface suitable for rendering.
$splitter getXYZsForSplits ?-type location_type? ?-quilts quilt_list? ?-points index_list?
This action gets a list of points along the split locations.
$segment getXYZsOfBay index
This action gets a list of points between two control points of a segment suitable for rendering.
$rule get/setGlobal global
This attribute controls whether the rule is a global rule.
pwu::Time greaterThan time1 time2
Check if the first time is greater than the second time
$io get/setAttribute GridBlockDimension att_value
Specifies the block dimensionality.
$io get/setAttribute GridBlockStyle att_value
Specifies the file format’s grid block style.
$shape get/setGridBoundary mode
This attribute is the boundary mode that determines the dimension and distribution of connectors and domains that are generated from the shape.
$io get/setAttribute GridExportMeshLink att_value
Enables the creation of MeshLink files during CAE export.
$io get/setAttribute GridExportMeshLinkDatabaseFileName att_value
The name of the exported MeshLink database file.
$io get/setAttribute GridExportMeshLinkDatabaseFileType att_value
The type of the exported MeshLink database file.
$io get/setAttribute GridExportMeshLinkFileName att_value
The name of the exported MeshLink XML file.
$io get/setAttribute GridExportMeshLinkFileType att_value
The type of the exported MeshLink XML file.
$io get/setAttribute GridExportMirrored att_value
Set mirroring on export.
$io get/setAttribute GridExportPolyVoxel att_value
Enables, for export, the conversion of voxel block, transition region, canonical elements into cuboid polyhedrons.
pw::Application get/setCAESolverAttribute GridFileExtension value
Sets the file extension used for Cobalt grid files.
pw::Grid get/setGridPointTolerance tolerance
This attribute is the grid point tolerance of grid entities and operations.
pw::Application get/setGridPreference < Structured | Unstructured >
This attribute is the grid preference of the application.
$io get/setAttribute GridStructuredAsUnstructured att_value
Domain surface degree.
$shape get/setGridType type
This attribute is the type of grid that is generated from the shape.
$tc get/setGrowthAngle angle
This attribute is the growth angle associated with a boundary filter of type Angle.
$tc get/setGrowthAspectRatio angle
This attribute is the aspect ratio associated with a boundary filter.
$tc get/setGrowthRate rate
This attribute is the growth rate of the T-Rex condition.
$mesher get/setGrowthRate growth
This attribute is the growth rate of T-Rex layers of an unstructured block when it is created.
$tc get/setGrowthRateDelay delay
This attribute is the number of layers to delay applying the growth rate or growth rate profile of T-Rex.
$tc get/setGrowthWallSpacing spacing
This attribute is the growth angle associated with a boundary filter of type Wall.