Function Index
$#! · 0-9 · A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K · L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X · Y · Z
 FaceControl(Default), pw::BlockStructured
 FaceExport, pw::Application
 FarfieldCapRadii, pw::VolumeMesher
 FarfieldCenter, pw::VolumeMesher
 FarfieldHeight, pw::VolumeMesher
 FarfieldLength, pw::VolumeMesher
 FarfieldRadius, pw::VolumeMesher
 FarfieldShapeType, pw::VolumeMesher
 FarfieldWidth, pw::VolumeMesher
 FileByteOrder, pw::IOMode
 FileContactInfo, pw::Application
 FileConvertFormatSettings, pw::IOMode
 FileConvertHealTopology, pw::IOMode
 FileDescription, pw::Application
 FileDestination, pw::Application
 FileExtensions, pw::Application
 FileFormat, pw::IOMode
 FileLargeWidthColumns, pw::IOMode
 FileModelSizeFromFile, pw::IOMode
 FilePrecision, pw::IOMode
 FileType, pw::Application::CGNS
 FileUnits, pw::IOMode
 fillet, pw::Surface
 Filters, pw::Application
 FilterType, pw::ExamineFilter
 FinalCellAspectRatio, pw::VolumeMesher
 find, pw::Framework
 findDomain, pw::Face
 findEdge, pw::Face
 findPairs, pw::Merger
 FitEntitiesThreshold, pw::SurfaceFitter
 FitInteriorOnly, pw::SurfaceFitter
 FitTolerance, pw::SurfaceFitter
 flattenChild, pw::Framework
 flipArc, pw::SegmentCircle
 freeInterior, pw::BlockUnstructured
 FreezeSurfaceNodes, pw::Block
 FreezeSurfaceNodes(Default), pw::Block
$block get/setEllipticSolverAttribute ?-face index? FaceAngleBlend < Exponential | Linear | value >
This attribute is the boundary control function angle blend method.
$subgrid get/setEllipticSolverAttribute ?-face index? FaceAngleBlend < Exponential | Linear | value >
This attribute is the boundary control function angle blend method.
$block get/setEllipticSolverAttribute ?-face index? FaceAngleCalculation < Orthogonal | Interpolate | Current | Adjacent >
This attribute is the boundary control function angle calculation method.
$subgrid get/setEllipticSolverAttribute ?-face index? FaceAngleCalculation < Orthogonal | Interpolate | Current | Adjacent >
This attribute is the boundary control function angle calculation method.
$block get/setEllipticSolverAttribute ?-face index? FaceConstraint < Fixed | Floating | Adapt >
This attribute is the boundary constraints of the structured block.
$subgrid get/setEllipticSolverAttribute ?-face index? FaceConstraint < Fixed | Floating | Adapt >
This attribute is the boundary constraints of the structured block.
$block get/setEllipticSolverAttribute ?-face index? FaceControl < HilgenstockWhite | StegerSorenson | None >
This attribute is the boundary control function of a structured block face.
$subgrid get/setEllipticSolverAttribute ?-face index? FaceControl < HilgenstockWhite | StegerSorenson | None >
This attribute is the boundary control function of a structured block face.
pw::BlockStructured get/setDefault FaceControl < HilgenstockWhite | StegerSorenson | None >
This gets/sets the default boundary control function of all faces of a structured block when it is created.
pw::Application get/setCAESolverAttribute FaceExport value
Controls the export of face sets and zones.
$block get/setEllipticSolverAttribute ?-face index? FaceSpacingBlend < Exponential | Linear | value >
This attribute is the boundary control function spacing blend method.
$subgrid get/setEllipticSolverAttribute ?-face index? FaceSpacingBlend < method | value >
This attribute is the boundary control function spacing blend method.
$block get/setEllipticSolverAttribute ?-face index? FaceSpacingCalculation < Interpolate | Current | Adjacent | value >
This attribute is the boundary control function spacing calculation method.
$subgrid get/setEllipticSolverAttribute ?-face index? FaceSpacingCalculation < Interpolate | Current | Adjacent | value >
This attribute is the boundary control function spacing calculation method.
$mesher get/setFarfieldCapRadii < Automatic | radii >
This attribute controls the radii of the farfield caps.
$mesher get/setFarfieldCenter < Automatic | center >
This attribute controls the center of the farfield shape.
$mesher get/setFarfieldHeight < Automatic | heights >
This attribute controls the height dimension of the farfield.
$mesher get/setFarfieldLength < Automatic | lengths >
This attribute controls the length dimension of the farfield.
$mesher get/setFarfieldRadius < Automatic | radius >
This attribute controls the radius of the farfield.
$mesher get/setFarfieldShapeType shape
This attribute controls the shape type that will be used on the farfield of the volume mesh.
$mesher get/setFarfieldWidth < Automatic | widths >
This attribute controls the width dimension of the farfield.
$io get/setAttribute FileByteOrder att_value
File byte order.
pw::Application get/setCAESolverAttribute FileContactInfo value
File contact informtion.
$io get/setAttribute FileConvertFormatSettings att_value
Use Native CAD Reader format specific conversion settings.
$io get/setAttribute FileConvertHealTopology att_value
Use Native CAD Reader topology healing functionality.
pw::Application get/setCAESolverAttribute FileDescription value
File description.
pw::Application getCAESolverAttribute FileDestination
This gets the type of file destination that is expected by the current CAE when calling the pw::Application.export command.
pw::Application getCAESolverAttribute FileExtensions
This gets the extensions of files exported for the CAE solver.
$io get/setAttribute FileFormat att_value
File format.
$io get/setAttribute FileLargeWidthColumns att_value
Use Nastran “large” format.
$io get/setAttribute FileModelSizeFromFile att_value
Use information from the file to set the model size during import.
$io get/setAttribute FilePrecision att_value
Floating-point precision.
pw::Application get/setCAESolverAttribute CGNS.FileType value
Specifies the exported file’s internal storage type.
$io get/setAttribute FileUnits att_value
File units specification.
$surface fillet ?-rho rho? ?-tolerance tol? rail1 rail2 intersection ?spine?
This action sets the surface by connecting two curves using a polyconic.
$cut get/setRenderAttribute FillMode mode
This attribute is the fill mode for rendering a cut object.
$cutPlane get/setRenderAttribute FillMode mode
This attribute is the fill mode for rendering a cut object.
$entity get/setRenderAttribute FillMode mode
This attribute is the fill mode for rendering an entity.
pw::Application getFileTypeAttribute filetype_id Filters
This gets the glob filters used to identify filenames supported by this file type.
$filter get/setFilterType type
This attribute is the type of the examine filter.
$mesher get/setFinalCellAspectRatio < Automatic | value >
This attribute specifies the scale factor to be applied to the local isotropic height at which T-Rex stops layer growth via deformation, decimation or refinement.
pw::Framework find < ?-root head? target | -next path >
This action returns a path to an instance of the framework.
$face findDomain domain
This action finds the given domain in this face’s domain list.
$face findEdge edge
This action finds the given edge in this face’s edge list.
$merger findPairs -tolerance tol ?-exclude topology? types
This action finds pairs of entities that are within the given tolerance, filtered by the given type and topology.
$fitter get/setFitEntitiesThreshold tol
This attribute specifies the percentage of length of the boundary curves of a created surface that must be database constrained to automatically set the fitting entities.
$fitter get/setFitInteriorOnly interiorOnly
This attribute controls whether only the interior of a surface will be fitted.
$con fitLSQ ?-tolerance tol? ?connector?
This action sets the shape of this connector to a least squares fit approximation of the grid points of the given connector.
$curve fitLSQ ?-tolerance tol? ?curve?
This action sets this curve to a least squares fit approximation of the control points of the given curve.
$srcCrv fitLSQ ?-tolerance tol? ?curve?
This action sets this source curve to a least squares fit approximation of the control points of the given source curve.
$surface fitLSQ ?-tolerance tol? ?-interior? ?entities?
This action sets this surface to a least squares fit approximation of the given entities.
$fitter get/setFitTolerance tol
This attribute is the tolerance to use when fitting surfaces to a cloud of points.
$parent flattenChild < index | child | relative_path >
This action moves the entities in the child or at the tail of the specified path to this framework, transforming them from the child space to the parent space.
$segment flipArc
This action flips the arc by moving the shoulder and center points in angle mode.
$dom flipOrientation
This action flips the orientation of this domain.
$model flipOrientation
This action flips the orientation of this model.
$plane flipOrientation
This action flips the orientation of this plane.
$shell flipOrientation
This action flips the orientation of this shell.
$block freeInterior
This action frees the block’s interior points.
$block get/setHighOrderSolverAttribute FreezeSurfaceNodes value
Controls which linear and inserted and projected, high-order surface nodes can be moved during smoothing.
pw::Block get/setDefault FreezeSurfaceNodes value
The default freeze method value assigned to a block when it is created.
$cut get/setOversetRenderAttribute FringeOption mode
This attribute controls how fringe information is displayed.
$cutPlane get/setOversetRenderAttribute FringeOption mode
This attribute controls how fringe information is displayed.