
Base type for all grid entities.  A grid entity is a zero-, one-, two- or three-dimensional collection of discrete cell elements, defined by discrete point locations and connectivity in space.

Derives From

pw::Object pw::Entity

pw::GridEntityBase type for all grid entities.
Static Actions
getByNameThis action gets a grid entity using the name.
projectThis action projects grid entities onto database entities.
getAdjacentEntitiesThis action gets a list of entities adjacent to the given entities.
getUniquePointCountThis action returns the number of unique points among the specified node, connector, domain and/or block entities (contained in a list of entities) or identified by specifying the entity type.
Static Defaults
SizeFieldDecay (Default)This default is the size field decay factor of a grid entity when it is created.
SizeFieldBackgroundSpacing (Default)This default is the size field background spacing of a grid entity when it is created.
SizeFieldCalculationMethod (Default)This default is the size field calculation method of a grid entity when it is created.
Instance Attributes
IgnoreAllSourcesThis attribute is a flag that controls whether the influence of sources should be ignored when determining grid point locations.
IgnoreAllSizeFieldEntitiesThis attribute is a flag that controls whether the influence of explicitly included entities should be ignored when determining grid point locations.
SizeFieldDecayThis attribute is the size field decay factor used as the decay when a size field is generated for this entity.
SizeFieldDelayMultiplierThis attribute is the size field decay factor used as the decay when a size field is generated for this entity.
SizeFieldBackgroundSpacingThis attribute is the size background spacing when a size field is generated for this entity.
SizeFieldCalculationMethodThis attribute is a string that controls how spacing is calculated for size field point primitives.
SizeFieldIgnoreEntityBoundaryThis attribute controls whether the boundary of the entity should be ignored when the size field is generated for this entity.
Instance Actions
getGridShapeThis action gets the pw::GridShape object that was used to create this grid entity using the <updateGridEntities> action.
getPointCountThis action gets the number of grid points in the given entity.
getUsageTopologyThis action gets the grid entity’s usage topology type.
closestCoordinateThis action gets the grid coordinate that is closest to the given point.
getAutomaticBoundaryConditionThis action gets the boundary condition that will automatically be applied to a register when this entity is added to a higher level entity (an edge register if this is a connector, and a face register if this is a domain).
getRegisterBoundaryConditionsThis action returns the register boundary conditions for all registers in which this entity is used.
getVolumeConditionThis action gets the volume condition of this entity.
transformThis action transforms this entity by the given matrix.
getDatabaseEntitiesThis action gets all database entities the grid entity is using.
getExcludedSourcesThis action gets all source entities that are being explicitly excluded from affecting the grid of this entity
excludeSourceThis action explicitly excludes a source from affecting the grid of this entity
getIncludedSizeFieldEntitiesThis action gets all entities that are being explicitly included in the size field that affects the grid of this entity.
includeSizeFieldEntityThis action explicitly includes an entity in the size field source that affects the grid of this entity
clearSizeFieldEntitiesThis action explicitly clears all entities in the size field source from affecting the grid of this entity
getSizeFieldPointCountThis action gets the number of point primitives that will be used when generating the size field that affects this entity.
getOutOfSyncWithSourcesThis action checks if the grid entity is currently out of sync with its sources.
getOutOfSyncAttributesThis action checks if the grid entity is currently out of sync with its attributes.
clearOutOfSyncThis action clears the out of sync flags for this grid entity, even though the grid points may be out of sync with it’s sources or attributes.
canReExtrudeThis action returns true if the entity can be re-extruded.
setOversetObjectVisibilityThis action sets the named overset render attribute.
getOversetObjectVisibilityThis action returns the named overset render attribute.

Static Actions


pw::GridEntity getByName ?-path path? name

This action gets a grid entity using the name.


nameThis required parameter is a name string.
-path pathThis optional parameter and its argument specify the framework_path to the framework in which the grid entity resides.  The path argument must be a list of either pw::Framework objects or string framework names.  The path must start at the root framework, start at the active framework, or start at a child of the active framework.  The active framework is used as the default if this parameter is not specified.


This action returns a pw::GridEntity object.


This example shows how to get a grid entity named blk-1 and then find the cell count.


set block(1) [pw::GridEntity getByName "blk-1"]
puts "[$block(1) getName] has [$block(1) getCellCount] cells."


blk-1 has 23440 cells.


pw::GridEntity project ?-type proj_type? ?-direction direction? ?-center center? ?-axis point normal? ?-fit tolerance? ?<-interior | -shape>? entities ?dbentities?

This action projects grid entities onto database entities.


-type proj_typeThis optional parameter is the string projection type to perform with options < ClosestPoint | Linear | SphericalIn | SphericalOut | CylindricalIn | CylindricalOut >.
-direction directionThis optional parameter is the projection vector for linear projection.  The default is determined by the entity and can be queried using either pw::Connector.getDefaultProjectDirection or pw::Domain.getDefaultProjectDirection.
-center centerThis optional parameter is the center point vector for spherical projection.  The default is (0, 0, 0).
-axis point normalThis optional parameter is the axis defined by a point vector and normal vector used by cylindrical projection; The default point is (0, 0, 0) and the default normal is (1, 0, 0).
-interiorIf this optional flag is present, only the interior of the entities are projected.
-fit toleranceThis optional parameter is the float tolerance used to fit any connector.  The default for this is 0.0 which means there is no fitting applied onto the projected curve.  The valid range for this parameter is [0.0, infinity).
-shapeIf this optional flag is present, the shape of the underlying curve of the connectors will be projected to the database and the original distribution will be reapplied after the projection.  This option is only valid for connectors and/or structured domains.
entitiesThis required parameter is a list of entities to project.  Only pw::Connector and pw::Domain objects can be projected.
dbentitiesThis optional parameter is a list of database curve and surface-like pw::DatabaseEntity objects to project onto.  If none are given, project to any currently enabled, visible database surface-like entities.


This action returns nothing.


If the entities parameter contains any pw::Domain objects, it is an error to include any pw::Curve objects in the dbentities parameter.


This example shows how to project a grid entity cylindrically out from the Z-axis and onto the first database entities it encounters in that path.  $con(1) is referencing an existing connector.


pw::GridEntity project -type CylindricalOut \
    -axis "0 0 0" "0 0 1" $con(1)


pw::GridEntity getAdjacentEntities ?-maximumAngle angle? ?-all? entities

This action gets a list of entities adjacent to the given entities.  If the -all flag is specified, the process is repeated until no more adjacent entities are found.  The return list will not include any entities specified in the argument list.


-maximumAngle angleThis optional parameter is the float maximum bend angle in the range [0.0, 180.0] for considering entities as adjacent.  180.0 is the default.
-allThis optional parameter specifies to continue looking for adjacent entities as new ones are added.
entitiesThis required parameter is a list of pw::GridEntity objects to be used as the seed.


This action returns a list of adjacent pw::GridEntity objects.


This example shows how to get a list of all adjacent grid entities using a given grid entity.  $block(1) is referencing an existing block.


foreach ge [pw::GridEntity getAdjacentEntities $block(1)] {
    puts [$ge getName]




pw::GridEntity getUniquePointCount <-type type | entities>

This action returns the number of unique points among the specified node, connector, domain and/or block entities (contained in a list of entities) or identified by specifying the entity type.


-type typeThis optional parameter is a type of entity to retrieve the unique point count of with options < pw::Node | pw::Connector | pw::Domain | pw::Block >.  If given, the entities parameter may not be used.
entitiesThis optional parameter is list of pw::GridEntity objects to count the unique points of.  If given the -type parameter may not be used.


Either -type or entities must be specified.


This action returns an integer value.

Static Defaults

SizeFieldDecay (Default)

pw::GridEntity get/setDefault SizeFieldDecay decay

This default is the size field decay factor of a grid entity when it is created.


A float in the range [0.0, 1.0].


The default value is 0.85.

SizeFieldBackgroundSpacing (Default)

pw::GridEntity get/setDefault SizeFieldBackgroundSpacing spacing

This default is the size field background spacing of a grid entity when it is created.


A float in the range [0.0, infinity).


The default value is 0.0.

SizeFieldCalculationMethod (Default)

pw::GridEntity get/setDefault SizeFieldCalculationMethod method

This default is the size field calculation method of a grid entity when it is created.


A string with options < MinimumDistance | InverseDistance | BlendDistance | MinimumValue >


The default for this attribute is MinimumDistance

Instance Attributes


$entity get/setIgnoreAllSources ignore

This attribute is a flag that controls whether the influence of sources should be ignored when determining grid point locations.


This attribute is a boolean.


The default for this attribute is false.


$entity get/setIgnoreAllSizeFieldEntities ignore

This attribute is a flag that controls whether the influence of explicitly included entities should be ignored when determining grid point locations.


This attribute is a boolean.


The default value of this attribute is false.


$entity get/setSizeFieldDecay decay

This attribute is the size field decay factor used as the decay when a size field is generated for this entity.  The size field will use this decay for entities added to the size field that don’t have a explicitly assigned decay.


A float in the range [0.0, 1.0].


The default for this attribute is the value of the SizeFieldDecay (Default) default when the grid entity was created.


$entity get/setSizeFieldDelayMultiplier delayMultiplier

This attribute is the size field decay factor used as the decay when a size field is generated for this entity.  The size field will use this decay for entities added to the size field that don’t have a explicitly assigned decay.


A float in the range [0.0, 1.0].


The default for this attribute is the value of the <SizeFieldDelayMultiplier (Default)> default when the grid entity was created.


$entity get/setSizeFieldBackgroundSpacing spacing

This attribute is the size background spacing when a size field is generated for this entity.


A float in the range [0.0, infinity).


The default for this attribute is the value in the SizeFieldBackgroundSpacing (Default) default when the grid entity was created.


$entity get/setSizeFieldCalculationMethod method

This attribute is a string that controls how spacing is calculated for size field point primitives.


A string with options < MinimumDistance | InverseDistance | BlendDistance | MinimumValue >


The default for this attribute is the value in the SizeFieldCalculationMethod (Default) default when the grid entity was created.


$entity get/setSizeFieldIgnoreEntityBoundary ignore

This attribute controls whether the boundary of the entity should be ignored when the size field is generated for this entity.


This attribute is a boolean.


The default for this attribute is false.

Instance Actions


$entity getGridShape

This action gets the pw::GridShape object that was used to create this grid entity using the <updateGridEntities> action.




This action returns a pw::GridShape object if a grid shape was used to create this entity, otherwise it returns an empty string.


$entity getPointCount ?-constrained constrainedVar? ?-owned?

This action gets the number of grid points in the given entity.


-constrained constrainedVarThis optional parameter is a string variable name to receive the number of points in the given entity, that are constrained to database entities.
-ownedThis optional flag can be set to return the count of points that are owned solely by this grid entity.


This action returns the integer number of points.


This example shows how to find the point count in a domain, as well as the point count that is constrained to database entities.  $dom(1) is referencing an existing domain.


puts [$dom(1) getPointCount -constrained onDB]
puts $onDB




$entity getUsageTopology

This action gets the grid entity’s usage topology type.




This action returns one of <Free|Lamina|Manifold|NonManifold>.



puts [llength [$dom getUsageTopology]]
puts [llength [$con getUsageTopology]]




$entity closestCoordinate ?-boundary? ?-distance distVar? point ?dir?

This action gets the grid coordinate that is closest to the given point.


-boundaryThis optional parameter indicates to find the closest coordinate on the boundary of this entity.
-distance distVarThis optional parameter is a string variable name to receive the distance between the given point or ray and the grid coordinate returned.
pointThis required parameter is the point from which to find the closest coordinate.
dirThis optional parameter is a direction vector for finding the closest point from a ray.


This action returns a grid coordinate on this entity.


This example shows how to find the closest coordinate on the boundary of a domain to the given point.  $dom(1) is referencing an existing domain.


puts [pw::Application getDescription \
    [$dom(1) closestCoordinate -boundary "0 0 -5"]]


dom-18 11


$ent getAutomaticBoundaryCondition

This action gets the boundary condition that will automatically be applied to a register when this entity is added to a higher level entity (an edge register if this is a connector, and a face register if this is a domain).




This action returns a pw::BoundaryCondition object.


An error will occur if this is called for anything other than a pw::Connector object in 2D mode and anything other than a pw::Domain object in 3D mode.

See Also

pw::BoundaryCondition, register


This example shows how to get the boundary condition that will be applied when this entity is added to a higher level entity.  If a boundary condition is created and applied to an entity, that means that it becomes the default boundary condition for that entity.  $dom(1) is referencing an existing domain.


puts [[$dom(1) getAutomaticBoundaryCondition] getName]
set bc [pw::BoundaryCondition create]
$bc setName Wall
$bc setId 2
$bc setPhysicalType "Wall Viscous"
$bc apply $dom(1)
puts [[$dom(1) getAutomaticBoundaryCondition] getName]




$ent getRegisterBoundaryConditions

This action returns the register boundary conditions for all registers in which this entity is used.




This action returns a list of lists, each containing the register and boundary condition, in the form [list register pw::BoundaryCondition].  If the CAE mode is 2D the registers will be connector usage registers, and if the CAE mode is 3D the registers will be domain usage registers.


An error will occur if this is called for anything other than a pw::Connector object in 2D mode and anything other than a pw::Domain object in 3D mode.

See Also

register, pw::BoundaryCondition


This example shows how to find the boundary conditions for all registers which include the given entity.  $dom(1) is referencing an existing domain.


set n 1
foreach regBCs [$dom(1) getRegisterBoundaryConditions] {
    lassign $regBCs reg($n) bc($n)
    lappend r($n) [[lindex $reg($n) 0] getName]
    lappend r($n) [[lindex $reg($n) 1] getName]
    lappend r($n) [lindex $reg($n) 2]
    lappend b($n) [$bc($n) getName]
    puts "The register $r($n) has an $b($n) boundary condition."
    incr n


The register blk-2 dom-18 Opposite has an Unspecified boundary
The register blk-3 dom-18 Same has an Unspecified boundary


$ent getVolumeCondition

This action gets the volume condition of this entity.




This action returns a pw::VolumeCondition object.


An error will occur if this is called for anything other than a pw::Domain object in 2D mode and anything other than a pw::Block object in 3D mode.

See Also



This example shows how to get the volume condition for a block while in 3D mode.  $block(1) is referencing an existing block.


puts [[$block(1) getVolumeCondition] getName]




$entity transform matrix

This action transforms this entity by the given matrix.


matrixThis required parameter is the 4x4 transform matrix.


This action returns nothing.

See Also



This example shows how to rotate grid entities using a transform utility command that sets an anchor point and the new vectors of the X-axis (1 1 0) and Y-axis (1 0 1).  $block(1) is referencing an existing block.


$block(1) transform \
    [pwu::Transform rotation -anchor "0 10 5" "1 1 0" "1 0 1"]


$entity getDatabaseEntities

This action gets all database entities the grid entity is using.




This action returns a list of pw::DatabaseEntity objects.

See Also



This example shows how to get the number of database entities the given grid entity is using.  $dom(1) is referencing an existing domain.


puts [llength [$dom(1) getDatabaseEntities]]




$entity getExcludedSources

This action gets all source entities that are being explicitly excluded from affecting the grid of this entity




This action returns a list of pw::SourceEntity objects.

See Also



$entity excludeSource source ?exclude?

This action explicitly excludes a source from affecting the grid of this entity


sourceThis required parameter is an pw::SourceEntity object to exclude.
excludeThis optional boolean parameter determines whether the entity should be added or removed from the excluded entities.  The default value is true.



See Also



$entity getIncludedSizeFieldEntities ?-global? ?-recursive?

This action gets all entities that are being explicitly included in the size field that affects the grid of this entity.


-globalThis optional flag indicates that the returned list include all entities.  If this flag is not set, only entities from the active framework are returned.
-recursiveThis optional flag indicates that the returned list recursively include the included size field entities of the entities that affects the grid of this entity.


This action returns a list of pw::Entity objects or a list of pw::Framework and pw::Entity objects.

See Also

pw::SourceEntity, excludeSource, getExcludedSources, includeSizeFieldEntity


$entity includeSizeFieldEntity ?-reject rejectVar? entity ?include?

This action explicitly includes an entity in the size field source that affects the grid of this entity


-reject rejectVarThis optional parameter is a string variable name to receive a list of entities that were rejected for including as size field entities.  If this is not given, no rejections will be reported.  An entity is rejected if it is the same as this entity, a higher level grid entity (a block cannot be a size field entity for a domain) or if including the size field entity would create a cycle.
entityThis required parameter is a framework_entity object, or list of framework_entity objects to include in the size field.
includeThis optional boolean parameter determines whether the entity should be added or removed from the included entities.  The default value is true.



See Also

getIncludedSizeFieldEntities, clearSizeFieldEntities


$entity clearSizeFieldEntities

This action explicitly clears all entities in the size field source from affecting the grid of this entity





See Also

includeSizeFieldEntity, getIncludedSizeFieldEntities


$entity getSizeFieldPointCount

This action gets the number of point primitives that will be used when generating the size field that affects this entity.




This action returns an integer count of the source points.


When this value is large (greater than 300,000) the time to apply the size field to the grid entity will increase dramatically.


$entity getOutOfSyncWithSources

This action checks if the grid entity is currently out of sync with its sources.  This can happen when a source is changed but the grid entity has not been updated since the change occurred.




This action returns a boolean value where true indicates that the grid entity is out of sync with its associated sources.

See Also



$entity getOutOfSyncAttributes

This action checks if the grid entity is currently out of sync with its attributes.  This can happen when an attribute is changed but the grid entity has not been updated since the change occurred.




This action returns a boolean value where true indicates that the grid entity is out of sync with its attributes.

See Also



$entity clearOutOfSync

This action clears the out of sync flags for this grid entity, even though the grid points may be out of sync with it’s sources or attributes.  This should only be used when the entity is understood to be out of sync and will be updated at a later time, but it shouldn’t be displayed as out of sync in the list panel.




This action returns nothing

See Also

getOutOfSyncWithSources, getOutOfSyncAttributes


$entity canReExtrude

This action returns true if the entity can be re-extruded.




This action returns a boolean value indicating if the entity can be re-extruded.


This example shows how to get a list of all entities that can be re-extruded.


puts "Entities valid for re-extrusion:"
set reExtEnts [list]
foreach ent [pw::Grid getAll] {
  if {[$ent canReExtrude]} {
    lappend reExtEnts $ent
    puts "   [$ent getName]"


$entity setOversetObjectVisibility ?-path path? ?-fringe? ?-hole? ?-orphan? ?-orphanDonorCandidates?

This action sets the named overset render attribute.


-path pathThis optional parameter specifies the framework_path to the specific instance of the block.  If no path is specified, the action is applied to all instances.
-fringeThis optional flag indicates that the fringe objects should be rendered.
-holeThis optional flag indicates that the hole objects should be rendered.
-orphanThis optional flag indicates that the orphan objects should be rendered.
-orphanDonorCandidatesThis optional flag indicates that the orphan donor candidates should be rendered.


Overset object visibility will be turned on for the type flag(s) included in the parameter list, and will be turned off for missing type flag(s).  If all flags are missing, the visibility of all overset objects will be turned off.

An error will occur if this is called for anything other than a pw::Block object in 3D mode.


This action returns nothing.


This example shows how to turn on fringe and orphan objects, implicitly turning off hole and orphan donor candidate objects.


$blk setOversetObjectVisibility -fringe -orphan


$entity getOversetObjectVisibility ?-path path?

This action returns the named overset render attribute.


-path pathThis optional parameter specifies the framework_path to the specific instance of the block.  The default value is the active framework.


An error will occur if this is called for anything other than a pw::Block object in 3D mode.


This action returns a list of boolean indicating the visibility state of fringe, hole, orphan and orphan donor candidate objects for this entity.


This example shows how to retrieve the overset object visibility states for an entity.


$blk getOversetObjectVisibility


{1 0 1 0}
pw::GridEntity getByName ?-path path? name
This action gets a grid entity using the name.
pw::GridEntity project ?-type proj_type? ?-direction direction? ?-center center? ?-axis point normal? ?-fit tolerance? ?<-interior | -shape>? entities ?dbentities?
This action projects grid entities onto database entities.
pw::GridEntity getAdjacentEntities ?-maximumAngle angle? ?-all? entities
This action gets a list of entities adjacent to the given entities.
pw::GridEntity getUniquePointCount <-type type | entities>
This action returns the number of unique points among the specified node, connector, domain and/or block entities (contained in a list of entities) or identified by specifying the entity type.
pw::GridEntity get/setDefault SizeFieldDecay decay
This default is the size field decay factor of a grid entity when it is created.
pw::GridEntity get/setDefault SizeFieldBackgroundSpacing spacing
This default is the size field background spacing of a grid entity when it is created.
pw::GridEntity get/setDefault SizeFieldCalculationMethod method
This default is the size field calculation method of a grid entity when it is created.
$entity get/setIgnoreAllSources ignore
This attribute is a flag that controls whether the influence of sources should be ignored when determining grid point locations.
$entity get/setIgnoreAllSizeFieldEntities ignore
This attribute is a flag that controls whether the influence of explicitly included entities should be ignored when determining grid point locations.
$entity get/setSizeFieldDecay decay
This attribute is the size field decay factor used as the decay when a size field is generated for this entity.
$entity get/setSizeFieldDelayMultiplier delayMultiplier
This attribute is the size field decay factor used as the decay when a size field is generated for this entity.
$entity get/setSizeFieldBackgroundSpacing spacing
This attribute is the size background spacing when a size field is generated for this entity.
$entity get/setSizeFieldCalculationMethod method
This attribute is a string that controls how spacing is calculated for size field point primitives.
$entity get/setSizeFieldIgnoreEntityBoundary ignore
This attribute controls whether the boundary of the entity should be ignored when the size field is generated for this entity.
$entity getGridShape
This action gets the pw::GridShape object that was used to create this grid entity using the updateGridEntities action.
Grid shape type
$entity getPointCount ?-constrained constrainedVar? ?-owned?
This action gets the number of grid points in the given entity.
$entity getUsageTopology
This action gets the grid entity’s usage topology type.
$entity closestCoordinate ?-boundary? ?-distance distVar? point ?dir?
This action gets the grid coordinate that is closest to the given point.
$ent getAutomaticBoundaryCondition
This action gets the boundary condition that will automatically be applied to a register when this entity is added to a higher level entity (an edge register if this is a connector, and a face register if this is a domain).
A register is the usage of a lower level entity in a higher level entity.
$ent getRegisterBoundaryConditions
This action returns the register boundary conditions for all registers in which this entity is used.
$ent getVolumeCondition
This action gets the volume condition of this entity.
$entity transform matrix
This action transforms this entity by the given matrix.
$entity getDatabaseEntities
This action gets all database entities the grid entity is using.
$entity getExcludedSources
This action gets all source entities that are being explicitly excluded from affecting the grid of this entity
$entity excludeSource source ?exclude?
This action explicitly excludes a source from affecting the grid of this entity
$entity getIncludedSizeFieldEntities ?-global? ?-recursive?
This action gets all entities that are being explicitly included in the size field that affects the grid of this entity.
$entity includeSizeFieldEntity ?-reject rejectVar? entity ?include?
This action explicitly includes an entity in the size field source that affects the grid of this entity
$entity clearSizeFieldEntities
This action explicitly clears all entities in the size field source from affecting the grid of this entity
$entity getSizeFieldPointCount
This action gets the number of point primitives that will be used when generating the size field that affects this entity.
$entity getOutOfSyncWithSources
This action checks if the grid entity is currently out of sync with its sources.
$entity getOutOfSyncAttributes
This action checks if the grid entity is currently out of sync with its attributes.
$entity clearOutOfSync
This action clears the out of sync flags for this grid entity, even though the grid points may be out of sync with it’s sources or attributes.
$entity canReExtrude
This action returns true if the entity can be re-extruded.
$entity setOversetObjectVisibility ?-path path? ?-fringe? ?-hole? ?-orphan? ?-orphanDonorCandidates?
This action sets the named overset render attribute.
$entity getOversetObjectVisibility ?-path path?
This action returns the named overset render attribute.
Base type for all glyph types
Entity type
A string is an array of characters.
A framework_path is a reference to a specific framework.
Framework type
Base type for all grid entities.
A vector is a list of float values.
$con getDefaultProjectDirection
This action gets the default projection direction for this connector.
$dom getDefaultProjectDirection
This action gets the default projection direction for this domain.
A float is a fractional number.
A connector is a computationally one-dimensional grid entity, defined in the parameter space of one or more end-connected curve segments.
A domain is a computationally two-dimensional grid entity, bounded by one or more pw::Edges.
Base type for all database entities
Database curve type
A type is the class name of a Glyph object.
An integer is a whole number.
A boolean is represented as a 0 or 1, with 0 being false and 1 being true.
A point is a position either in model space or database parameter space.
CAE boundary condition type
CAE volume condition type
A block is a volume grid bounded by one or more pw::Faces.
Utility functions for transform matrices, which are represented as a list of sixteen real values.
Base type for all source entities
A framework_entity is a reference to an entity in a pw::Framework.