Function Index
$#! · 0-9 · A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K · L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X · Y · Z
 join(static), pw::Connector
 joinConnectors, pw::Edge
 joinDomains, pw::Face
 KeepExistingDomains, pw::DatabaseMesher
 KeepFailingStep, pw::ExtrusionSolver
 Key, pw::Application
 Layer, pw::Entity
 lessThan, pwu::Time
 line, pwu::Plane
 LineDensity, pw::Entity
 LineWidth, pw::Entity
 list, pw::Collection
 loadTk, pw::Script
 lockDistribution, pw::Connector
 lockGroup, pw::QuiltAssembler
 lockInterior, pw::BlockStructured
 LoggingLevel, pw::Application
 LogVerbosity, pw::Application
pw::BlockStructured join ?-reject rejectVar? blocks
This action joins as many of the given structured blocks together as possible.
pw::BlockUnstructured join ?-reject rejectVar? blocks
This action joins as many of the given unstructured blocks together as possible.
$con join ?<-keepDistribution | -resetDistribution>? ?-deleteBreakPoints? connector ?side?
This action joins this connector with a given connector.
pw::Curve join ?-reject rejectVar? ?-tolerance tol? curves
This action joins as many of the given curves together as possible.
pw::DomainStructured join ?-reject rejectVar? domains
This action joins as many of the given structured domains together as possible.
pw::DomainUnstructured join ?-reject rejectVar? domains
This action joins as many of the given unstructured domains together as possible.
pw::Shell join ?-reject rejectVar? ?-tolerance tol? shells
This action joins as many of the given shells together as possible.
pw::SourceCurve join ?-reject rejectVar? ?-tolerance tol? curves
This action joins as many of the given source curves together as possible.
pw::Surface join ?-reject rejectVar? ?-tolerance tol? surfs
This action joins as many of the given surfaces together as possible.
pw::Connector join ?<-keepDistribution | -resetDistribution>? ?-deleteBreakPoints? ?-reject rejectVar? connectors
This action joins as many of the given connectors together as possible.
$edge joinConnectors
This action joins the connectors in this edge to form a single connector.
$face joinDomains
This action joins the domains in this face to create a single domain.
$mesher get/setKeepExistingDomains value
This attribute controls whether any pre-existing domains constrained to the quilts in the mode are retained or destroyed.
$entity get/setKeepFailingStep keep
This attribute is the flag for whether the failing step of extrusion should be kept.
pw::Application getFileTypeAttribute filetype_id Key
This gets the file type unique key.
$entity get/setLayer ?-parents? layer
This attribute is the layer that the entity is in.
pwu::Vector2 length vec
Return the length of the vector
pwu::Vector3 length vec
Return the length of the vector
pwu::Time lessThan time1 time2
Check if the first time is less than the second time
pwu::Plane line ?-intersect intersectVar? plane origin dir
Get the intersection of a line and a given plane
$entity get/setRenderAttribute LineDensity ij
This attribute is the line density for entity rendering.
$cut get/setRenderAttribute LineMode mode
This attribute is the line mode for rendering a cut object.
$cutPlane get/setRenderAttribute LineMode mode
This attribute is the line mode for rendering a cut object.
$entity get/setRenderAttribute LineMode mode
This attribute is the line mode for rendering an entity.
$entity get/setRenderAttribute LineWidth width
This attribute is the line width for entity rendering.
$collection list
This action returns a list of entity objects in a collection.
pw::Application load ?-ignoreCAESolver? ?-environment? ?-rules < KeepOld | KeepNew | KeepBoth >? filename
This action loads the entities and settings from the native file.
$loader load
This action loads the entities and settings from the native file.
pw::Script loadTk
This action loads and initializes the Tk library for use in the script.
$con lockDistribution index
This action locks the distribution of a subconnector.
$quilter lockGroup $group_index $lock_status
This function sets the lock status of a group to either locked or unlocked.
$block lockInterior
This action locks the interior points from being automatically freed.
pw::Application get/setCAESolverAttribute LoggingLevel value
Controls message logging level.
pw::Application get/setCAESolverAttribute LogVerbosity value
Controls vebosity of export logging to the message window.