Function Index
$#! · 0-9 · A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K · L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X · Y · Z
 b, pwu::Plane
 BackgroundSpacing, pw::BlockUnstructured
 BackgroundSpacing(Default), pw::BlockUnstructured
 balance, pw::Dimensioner
 barycentric, pwu::Vector3
 BcStyle, pw::Application::NPARC
 BcType, pw::Application
 begin, pw::Application
 BeginDecay, pw::SourceEntity
 BeginDecay(Default), pw::SourceEntity
 BeginHeight, pw::DistributionGrowth
 BeginLayers, pw::DistributionGrowth
 BeginMode, pw::DistributionGrowth
 BeginRate, pw::DistributionGrowth
 BeginRateDelay, pw::DistributionGrowth
 BeginRateProfile, pw::DistributionGrowth
 BeginSpacing, pw::SourceEntity
 blockCentroidX, pw::Examine
 blockCentroidY, pw::Examine
 blockCentroidZ, pw::Examine
 BlockFacesOnly, pw::IOMode
 blockJacobian, pw::Examine
 BlockNumberScheme, pw::Application
 blockSkewAngle, pw::Examine
 blockSkewMaximum, pw::Examine
 blockSkewMinimum, pw::Examine
 blockVolume, pw::Examine
 boundaryAdaptation, pw::BlockUnstructured
 BoundaryConditionsOnly, pw::IOMode
 BoundaryDecay, pw::BlockUnstructured
 BoundaryGapSubdivisions, pw::DatabaseMesher
 BoundaryGroupAngle, pw::DatabaseMesher
 BoundaryGrowthRate, pw::DatabaseMesher
 BoundaryLayerType, pw::VolumeMesher
 BoundaryProximityInfluence, pw::DatabaseMesher
 BoundaryTolerance, pw::SurfaceFitter
pwu::Plane b plane
Get the B plane coefficient
$block get/setUnstructuredSolverAttribute BackgroundSpacing spacing
This attribute is the background spacing of an unstructured block.
pw::BlockUnstructured get/setDefault BackgroundSpacing spacing
This default is the background grid spacing of an unstructured block when it is created.
$dim balance ?-resetGeneralDistributions?
This action tries to balance the current dimensions.
pwu::Vector3 barycentric pt vec1 vec2 vec3
Return a vector that has the barycentric coordinates of the given point in the frame of the given three vectors
$shape get/setBaseType type
This attribute is the type of cap used at the base of the shape.
$shape get/setBaseType type
This attribute is the type of cap used at the base of the shape.
$shape get/setBaseType type
This attribute is the type of cap used at the base of the shape.
pw::Application get/setCAESolverAttribute NPARC.BcStyle value
NPARC BC style.
pw::Application get/setCAESolverAttribute BcType value
Specify the BC export format.
pw::Application begin ?-mode_specific_flags? mode ?entities?
This action begins a mode in the application.
$entity get/setBeginDecay value
This attribute is the begin decay of a source.
pw::SourceEntity get/setDefault BeginDecay value
This default is the begin decay of a source when it is created.
$dist get/setBeginHeight height
This attribute is the requested total height of layers at the start of the distribution.
$dist get/setBeginLayers layers
This attribute is the requested number of layers at the start of the distribution.
$dist get/setBeginMode mode
This attribute is the mode that is used in calculating the layer growth at the start of the distribution.
$dist get/setBeginRate rate
This attribute is the growth rate of layers at the start of the distribution.
$dist get/setBeginRateDelay delay
This attribute is the number of layers to delay the growth rate at the start of the distribution.
$dist get/setBeginRateProfile profile
This attribute is the growth rate profile of layers at the start of the distribution.
$entity get/setBeginSpacing value
This attribute is the begin spacing of a source.
pw::Connector get/setDefault BeginSpacing spacing
This default is the beginning spacing of a subconnector when it is created.
pw::SourceEntity get/setDefault BeginSpacing value
This default is the begin spacing of a source when it is created.
pw::Examine blockCentroidX ?-intervals number? resultsVar block_list
This action reports statistics about the cell centroid X coordinate of blocks.
pw::Examine blockCentroidY ?-intervals number? resultsVar block_list
This action reports statistics about the cell centroid Y coordinate of blocks.
pw::Examine blockCentroidZ ?-intervals number? resultsVar block_list
This action reports statistics about the cell centroid Z coordinate of blocks.
$io get/setAttribute BlockFacesOnly att_value
Export block faces only.
pw::Examine blockJacobian ?-intervals number? resultsVar block_list
This action reports statistics about the blocks’ Jacobians.
pw::Application get/setCAESolverAttribute BlockNumberScheme value
The block id numbering scheme.
pw::Examine blockSkewAngle ?-intervals number? resultsVar block_list
This action reports statistics about the cell skew angle of blocks.
pw::Examine blockSkewMaximum ?-intervals number? resultsVar block_list
This action reports statistics about the cell maximum skew of blocks.
pw::Examine blockSkewMinimum ?-intervals number? resultsVar block_list
This action reports statistics about the cell minimum skew of blocks.
pw::Examine blockVolume ?-intervals number? resultsVar block_list
This action reports statistics about the cell volume of blocks.
$block boundaryAdaptation
This action adapts the block’s boundaries based on the current settings of the block.
$io get/setAttribute BoundaryConditionsOnly att_value
Only export the grid’s boundary condition data.
$mesher get/setBoundaryCurvatureRatio ratio
This attribute is the ratio between the surface and curve curvature along a boundary to use when detecting Curvature boundaries.
$quilter get/setBoundaryCurvatureRatio ratio
This attribute is the ratio between the surface and curve curvature along a boundary to use when detecting Curvature boundaries.
$block get/setUnstructuredSolverAttribute BoundaryDecay decay
This attribute is the boundary decay factor of an unstructured block.
pw::BlockUnstructured get/setDefault BoundaryDecay decay
This default is the boundary decay factor of an unstructured block when it is created.
pw::DomainUnstructured get/setDefault BoundaryDecay value
This default is the boundary decay factor of an unstructured domain when it is created.
$mesher get/setBoundaryGapSubdivisions subdivisions
This attribute is the target number of mesh subdivisions across gaps between boundaries of the entities being meshed.
$mesher get/setBoundaryGroupAngle angle
This attribute is the turning angle to use when grouping boundaries.
$mesher get/setBoundaryGrowthRate rate
This attribute specifies the boundary growth rate.
$mesher get/setBoundaryHardAngle angle
This attribute is the angle between normals to use when detecting Convex and Concave manifold boundaries.
$quilter get/setBoundaryHardAngle angle
This attribute is the angle between normals to use when detecting Convex and Concave manifold boundaries.
$mesher get/setBoundaryLayerType type
This attribute controls the boundary layer type to be applied to resulting volume meshes.
$mesher get/setBoundaryProximityInfluence < Orientation | All | None >
This attribute controls how nearby boundaries influence clustering on a surface.
$fitter get/setBoundaryTolerance tol
This attribute is the tolerance to use when splitting and joining the curves specified as the boundaries, for detecting end to end connections of the boundaries, and for creating the surface from the boundaries.
$shape box ?-width value? ?-topWidth value? ?-height value? ?-topHeight value? ?-length value?
This action sets the shape to a box, frustum or rectangle.
$shape box ?-width value? ?-topWidth value? ?-height value? ?-topHeight value? ?-length value?
This action sets the shape to a box, frustum or rectangle.
$shape box ?-width value? ?-topWidth value? ?-height value? ?-topHeight value? ?-length value?
This action sets the shape to a cylinder, cone or disk.
$con breakPeriodic
This action breaks the periodic link that this connector has with another connector.
$dom breakPeriodic
This action breaks the periodic link that this domain has with another domain.