Function Index
$#! · 0-9 · A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K · L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X · Y · Z
 IblankStyle, pw::IOMode
 identity, pwu::Transform
 ImplementationMethod, pw::Application
 ImportAutoSplitSurfaces, pw::Database
 importBodyMotionData, pw::OversetNode
 ImportLayerNumber, pw::IOMode
 ImportLayerScheme, pw::IOMode
 ImportShellCellMode, pw::Database
 ImportShellCompressMode, pw::Database
 ImportShellSplitAngle, pw::Database
 ImportSplitAngle, pw::Grid
 ImportSplitMultipleEdges, pw::Grid
 ImportVisibility, pw::Database
 InactiveTransparency, pw::Framework
 IncludeEnclosingEntitiesInBlock, pw::GridShape
 increaseDimension, pw::Connector
 inHalfSpace, pwu::Plane
 InitializeInterior, pw::DomainUnstructured
 insertConditionLine, pw::ExamineFilter
 insertDecisionLine, pw::ExamineFilter
 insertParent, pw::Framework
 InteriorAlgorithm, pw::BlockUnstructured
 InteriorAlgorithm(Default), pw::BlockUnstructured
 interpolate, pw::Surface
 intersectRay, pw::Database
 isBaffle, pw::FaceUnstructured
 isBalanced, pw::Dimensioner
 isBaseForConnector, pw::DatabaseEntity
 isBaseForDomainStructured, pw::DatabaseEntity
 isBaseForDomainUnstructured, pw::DatabaseEntity
 isBoundaryLocked, pw::QuiltAssembler
 isClipboardEmpty, pw::Application
 isCompressed, pw::Shell
 isCurve, pw::DatabaseEntity
 isDefaultDescription, pw::Rule
 isFromQuiltSplitter, pw::Quilt
 isFromTrim, pw::Quilt
 isGroupLocked, pw::QuiltAssembler
 isHorizontal, pw::Note
 isIncompatibleQuilt, pw::QuiltSplitter
 isInside, pwu::Extents
 isInteractive, pw::Application
 isIntersecting, pwu::Extents
 isInvalidSplitPoint, pw::QuiltSplitter
 isInvalidSplitQuilt, pw::QuiltSplitter
 isLayerVisible, pw::Display
 isMirrored, pw::Grid
 isModified, pw::Application
 IsoCellType, pw::DomainUnstructured
 IsoCellType(Default), pw::DomainUnstructured
 isOfType, pw::Object
 isOGAAdaptation, pw::SourceEntity
 isolateChild, pw::Framework
 isolateLayer, pw::Display
 IsolineCount, pw::Entity
 isOversetDataUpToDate, pw::Block
 isParametric, pw::DatabaseEntity
 isSameEdge, pw::Model
 isSavedView, pw::Display
 isSurface, pw::DatabaseEntity
 isValidDimension, pw::Application
 isValidElement, pw::Application
 isValidElementTopology, pw::Application
 isValidMetric, pw::CutPlane
 isValidOversetDimension, pw::Application
 isValidPath, pw::Framework
 isValidPoint, pw::QuiltSplitter
 isValidSpecificationType, pw::SourceEntity
$io get/setAttribute IblankStyle att_value
Iblank array type.
$bc get/setId bcid
This attribute is the integer id of the boundary condition.
$vc get/setId id
This attribute is the integer id of the volume condition.
pwu::Transform identity
Return an identity transform matrix
$entity get/setIgnoreAllSizeFieldEntities ignore
This attribute is a flag that controls whether the influence of explicitly included entities should be ignored when determining grid point locations.
$shape get/setIgnoreAllSizeFieldEntities ignore
This attribute is a flag that controls whether the influence of explicitly included entities should be ignored when a size field is generated for this entity.
$entity get/setIgnoreAllSources ignore
This attribute is a flag that controls whether the influence of sources should be ignored when determining grid point locations.
$shape get/setIgnoreAllSources ignore
This attribute is a flag that controls whether the influence of sources should be ignored when a size field is generated for this entity.
pw::Application getCAESolverAttribute ImplementationMethod
This gets the method used for the implementation of the exporter.
pw::Database import ?-type file_type? ?-format file_format? ?-precision fp_precision? ?-duplicates dup_mode? ?-report report_var? filename
Import the given file into the database.
pw::Grid import ?-type file_type? ?-format file_format? ?-precision fp_precision? ?-report report_var? filename
This action imports a file into the grid.
pw::Overset import ?-path path? ?entities?
Import overset grid assembly results.
pw::Source import ?-type file_type? ?-report report_var? filename
This action creates a new source point cloud object imported from a file.
pw::Database get/setImportAutoSplitSurfaces split
This attribute notifies if the auto split should happen on import.
$node importBodyMotionData fileName
This action imports the translation, rotation, and time body motion data from a csv file.
$io get/setAttribute ImportLayerNumber att_value
Set the layer number that imported database entities will be imported into.
$io get/setAttribute ImportLayerScheme att_value
Set the import layer scheme that will be used to determine what layer entities are imported into.
pw::Database get/setImportShellCellMode mode
This attribute notifies how shell cells should be handled on import.
pw::Database get/setImportShellCompressMode compress
This attribute notifies if shell should be compressed on import.
pw::Database get/setImportShellSplitAngle angle
This attribute is the bending angle that shell database entities are split at on import.
pw::Grid get/setImportSplitAngle angle
This attribute is the bending angle at which unstructured domains are split on import.
pw::Grid get/setImportSplitMultipleEdges split
This attribute is the flag for whether unstructured domains with more than one edge are split on import so that they will only made up of a single edge.
pw::Database get/setImportVisibility import
This attribute is the visibility mode of database import.
$framework get/setInactiveTransparency ?-instance path? ?-all? value
This attribute controls how transparent its entities are drawn when the framework is not the active framework.
$shape get/setIncludeEnclosingEntitiesInBlock include
This attribute controls whether the block generated from this shape should use the enclosing entities in the block’s face definition.
$entity includeSizeFieldEntity ?-reject rejectVar? entity ?include?
This action explicitly includes an entity in the size field source that affects the grid of this entity
$shape includeSizeFieldEntity entity ?include?
This action explicitly includes an entity in the size field source that affects the grid generated by this shape
$con increaseDimension ?-maximumLevel value? ?-maximumSpacing value? ?-minimumSpacing value? ?-surface? angle distance
This action increases the dimension of this connector.
pwu::Vector2 index vec i
Return the value of the vector at the given index
pwu::Vector3 index vec i
Return the value of the vector at the given index
pwu::Plane inHalfSpace plane vec
Check if the vector point is in the positive half space of the given plane
$block initialize
This action initializes the interior points of this block.
$dom initialize
This action initializes the interior points of this domain.
$io initialize ?-strict? ?-type file_type? filename
This action initializes the mode with the file type and name.
$loader initialize filename
This action initializes the mode with the file name.
pw::DomainUnstructured get/setInitializeInterior init
This attribute indicates, if true the interior points are inserted when the domain is initialized or re-initialized; if false interior points will not be automatically generated.
$filter insertConditionLine index attribute operand value
This action inserts a condition filter line before the line with the given index.
$filter insertDecisionLine index type
This action inserts a decision filter line before the line with the given index.
$parent insertParent $child
This action inserts a new pw::Framework object between this framework and the specified child.
$splitter insertPoint index point
This action inserts a split point before the given index.
$segment insertPoint index point
This action inserts a control point before the given index.
$con insertSegment index segment
This action inserts the segment at the given index.
$curve insertSegment index segment
This action inserts the segment at the given index.
$srcCrv insertSegment index segment
This action inserts the segment at the given index.
$block get/setUnstructuredSolverAttribute InteriorAlgorithm algorithm
This attribute is the algorithm that will be used when initializing the interior portion of an unstructured block.
pw::BlockUnstructured get/setDefault InteriorAlgorithm algorithm
This default is the algorithm that will be used when initializing the interior portion of an unstructured block when it is created.
$block get/setEllipticSolverAttribute InteriorControl < ThomasMiddlecoff | Laplace | Fixed >
This attribute is the interior control function of a structured block.
$subgrid get/setEllipticSolverAttribute InteriorControl func
This attribute is the interior control function of a structured block.
$dom get/setEllipticSolverAttribute InteriorControl < ThomasMiddlecoff | Laplace | Fixed >
This attribute is the interior control function of a structured domain.
$subgrid get/setEllipticSolverAttribute InteriorControl < ThomasMiddlecoff | Laplace | Fixed >
This attribute is the interior control function of a structured domain.
pw::BlockStructured get/setDefault InteriorControl < ThomasMiddlecoff | Laplace | Fixed >
This gets/sets the default interior control function of a structured block when it is created.
pw::DomainStructured get/setDefault InteriorControl < ThomasMiddlecoff | Laplace | Fixed >
This default is the interior control function of a structured domain when it is created.
$surface interpolate ?-orient < Same | Opposite | Best >? ?-tolerance tol? rail1 rail2 ?rail3 rail4?
This action sets the surface by interpolating between the given curves.
pw::Database intersect ?-tolerance tol? ?-actual do_actual? ?-apparent line_of_sight? ?-closest max_dist? dbentity_list1 ?dbentity_list2?
This action intersects database entities.
pwu::Vector3 intersect ?-tolerance tol? anchor1 dir1 anchor2 dir2
Return a vector that is the intersection of the two lines specified as two point and direction pairs.
pw::Database intersectRay ?-parametric? ?-projection? ?-explicit entity_or_boundary_list | -mode mode? ?-state stateVar? point dir
This action gets the ray intersection on a database entity from a given ray.
pwu::Quaternion inverse quat
Return the inverse of a quaternion
pwu::Transform inverse matrix
Return the inverse of a given transform matrix
$face isBaffle
This action returns true if the face is a baffle face.
$dim isBalanced
This action checks if the dimensions are currently balanced.
$entity isBaseForConnector
This action checks if connectors can be built on the entity using the pw::Connector.createOnDatabase command.
$entity isBaseForDomainStructured
This action checks if domains can be built on the entity using the pw::DomainStructured.createOnDatabase command.
$entity isBaseForDomainUnstructured
This action checks if domains can be built on the entity using the pw::DomainUnstructured.createOnDatabase command.
pw::Database isBaseForProject
This action checks if this database contains entities that can be projected onto using the project command.
$entity isBaseForProject
This action checks if this entity can be projected onto using a project command.
$quilter isBoundaryLocked $boundary
This function queries whether a boundary is locked.
pw::Application isClipboardEmpty
This action checks if the application clipboard contains any entities.
$con isClosed
This action checks if the connector is closed.
$curve isClosed
This action checks if the curve is closed.
$edge isClosed
This action returns true if the edge’s ends are the same.
$segment isClosed
This action checks if the segment is closed.
$srcCrv isClosed
This action checks if the source curve is closed.
$surface isClosed ?< -U | -V >?
This action checks if the surface is closed in the given direction.
$shell isCompressed
Check to see if the shell entity is compressed.
$dom isConstrained
This action checks to see if the domain is database constrained.
$point isConstrained
This action checks to see if the point is database constrained.
$point isConstrained
This action checks to see if the point is database constrained.
$entity isCurve
This action checks if this entity is curve-like.
$rule isDefaultDescription
This action checks to see if the description is the default description.
$entity isDefined
This action checks if this entity is defined.
$shape isDefined
This action checks if this shape is defined.
$shape isDefined
This action checks if this shape is defined.
$entity isDefined
This action checks if this entity is defined.
$shape isDefined
This action checks if this shape is defined.
pw::Application isEmpty
This action checks if there are no entities.
pwu::Extents isEmpty ext
Check if an extents box is empty
$shape isFaceValid face
This action returns whether the given face is valid for the current configuration of the shape.
$shape isFaceValid face
This action returns whether the given face is valid for the current configuration of the shape.
$shape isFaceValid face
This action returns whether the given face is valid for the current configuration of the shape.
pw::Quilt isFromQuiltSplitter boundary
This action checks whether a given boundary was created from a split carried out by a QuiltSplitter mode.
pw::Quilt isFromTrim boundary
This action checks whether a given boundary was created from a trim action such as trimByCurves.
$quilter isGroupLocked $group_index
This function returns the lock status of a group.
$note isHorizontal
This command returns a true value if the text is written from left to right and a false value if the text is written from top to bottom.
$splitter isIncompatibleQuilt ?-type location_type? quilt
This action checks if the given pw::Quilt object is incompatible with the current settings of this mode.
pwu::Extents isInside ext pt
Return true if a point lies within the extents
pw::Application isInteractive
Check to see if the Pointwise application is running in interactive mode with a GUI as opposed to being run in a Tcl batch interpreter.
$block isInteriorIndex index
This action checks to see if an index corresponds to a point in the interior of the block.
$block isInteriorIndex < index | ijk_index >
This action checks to see if an index corresponds to a point in the interior of the block.
$block isInteriorIndex < index | ijk_index >
This action checks to see if an index corresponds to a point in the interior of the block.
$con isInteriorIndex index
This action checks to see if an index corresponds to a point in the interior of the connector.
$dom isInteriorIndex index
This action checks to see if an index corresponds to a point in the interior of the domain.
$dom isInteriorIndex < index | ij_index >
This action checks to see if an index corresponds to a point in the interior of the domain.
pwu::Extents isIntersecting ext1 ext2
Return true if two given extents boxes intersect
$splitter isInvalidSplitPoint ?-type location_type? index
This action checks if the point at the given index is an invalid split specification or the split location failed to be created.
$splitter isInvalidSplitQuilt ?-type location_type? quilt
This action checks if the given pw::Quilt object has any invalid split specifications or failed creation of split locations.
pw::Display isLayerVisible layer
This action checks if the given layer is visible.
pw::Grid isMirrored
Determines if a grid mirror plane is defined.
pw::Application isModified
This action checks if the entities or settings have been modified since the last save.
$dom get/setUnstructuredSolverAttribute IsoCellType type
This attribute controls what type of cells a domain will contain in the isotropic region (all cells if T-Rex is not applied) after generation.
pw::DomainUnstructured get/setDefault IsoCellType type
This default attribute controls what type of cells a domain will contain in the isotropic region (all cells if T-Rex is not applied) after generation.
$object isOfType type
This action checks if this object is of the given type.
$entity isOGAAdaptation
This action checks if this entity was generated from overset assembly data.
$quilt isolate
This action splits the quilt’s model so that this quilt is in it’s own model.
$tsurf isolate
This action split the trim surface’s quilt and model so that this trim surface is in its own quilt and model.
$parent isolateChild < index | child >
This action replaces the local instance of a multiply-instanced framework with a non-shared copy.
pw::Display isolateLayer layer
This action isolates the given layer by hiding all other layers, showing this layer and setting it as the current layer.
$entity get/setRenderAttribute IsolineCount ij
This attribute is the isoline count of the entity.
$block isOversetDataUpToDate ?-path path?
This action returns whether the overset data for a block is up to date.
$entity isParametric
This action checks if this entity is parametric.
$con isPole
This action checks if the connector is a pole.
$curve isPole
This action check if the curve is a pole.
$segment isPole
This action checks if the segment is a pole.
$srcCrv isPole
This action check if the source curve is a pole.
$surface isPole ?< -UMin | -UMax | -VMin | -VMax >?
This action checks if the surface Edge is a pole.
pw::Model isSameEdge boundaries
This action checks if two boundaries represent the same edge in a model.
pw::Display isSavedView < slot | name >
This action checks to see if a view is saved in a slot or has the given name.
$shape isSolid
This action checks if this shape is solid
$shape isSolid
This action checks if this shape is solid
$shape isSolid
This action checks if this shape is solid
$entity isSurface
This action checks if this entity is surface-like.
$block isValid
This action checks to see if the block has a valid face definition.
$dom isValid
This action checks to see if the domain has a valid edge definition.
pw::Application isValidDimension name dim
This action determines if the given dimension is supported by a CAE solver.
pw::Application isValidElement name type
This action determines if the given element type is supported by a CAE solver.
pw::Application isValidElementTopology name type
This action determines if the given element topology type is supported by a CAE solver.
pw::CutPlane isValidMetric metric
This action checks to see if the specified examine function is valid for use with the cut planes.
pw::Application isValidOversetDimension name dim
This action determines if the given dimension is supported by an overset assembler.
pw::Framework isValidPath framework_path
This action tests to see if a framework path argument is valid.
$splitter isValidPoint point
This action checks if the given point is valid for this mode.
$entity isValidSpecificationType type
This action returns whether the given specification type is valid for this entity.