Function Index
$#! · 0-9 · A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K · L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X · Y · Z
 d, pwu::Plane
 DataModel, pw::Application
 deleteBoundaryConditionFilter, pw::VolumeMesher
 deleteBoundaryFilter, pw::DatabaseMesher
 deleteFilter, pw::DatabaseMesher
 deleteMappingFilter, pw::DatabaseMesher
 deleteNamedValue, pw::Spacing
 Destination, pw::Application
 detachAttributeDictionary, pw::DatabaseEntity
 determinant, pwu::Transform
 DeviationThreshold, pw::Block
 DeviationThreshold(Default), pw::Block
 diagonal, pwu::Extents
 Dim2PointFormat, pw::Application
 Dimension(Default), pw::Connector
 DirAppPlugins, pw::Application
 DirAppPublic, pw::Application
 DirPublicPlugins, pw::Application
 DirSysAppPublic, pw::Application
 DirSysTemp, pw::Application
 DirSysUserHome, pw::Application
 DirSysUserPrivate, pw::Application
 DirSysUserPublic, pw::Application
 distance, pwu::Plane
 distanceToLine, pwu::Vector3
 DistributionInfluence, pw::Connector
 DistributionType(Default), pw::Connector
 do, pw::Collection
 doConnectorsGetDimension, pw::Connector
 DomainAlgorithm, pw::DatabaseMesher
 domainArea, pw::Examine
 DomainAreaRatioThreshold, pw::DatabaseMesher
 DomainAspectRatioThreshold, pw::DatabaseMesher
 domainCentroidX, pw::Examine
 domainCentroidY, pw::Examine
 domainCentroidZ, pw::Examine
 DomainMaximumAngleThreshold, pw::DatabaseMesher
 domainSkewAngle, pw::Examine
 domainSkewMaximum, pw::Examine
 domainSkewMinimum, pw::Examine
 DomainSplitAngle, pw::IOMode
 DomainSplitMultipleEdges, pw::IOMode
 DomainSurfaceDegree, pw::IOMode
 DomainUnstructuredSkipMeshing, pw::Script
 Donor, pw::Block
 DonorCandidateList, pw::Block
 double, pwu::Time
 DoublePrecision, pw::Display
 duplicate, pw::Edge
pwu::Plane d plane
Get the D plane coefficient
pw::Application get/setCAESolverAttribute DataModel value
Controls the underlying NetCDF data model used by TAU export.
$attr delete
This action deletes this attribute dictionary.
$block delete ?-force? ?-domains? ?-connectors?
This action deletes this block.
$bc delete
This action deletes this boundary condition.
$collection delete
This action deletes the collection.
$con delete ?-force?
This action delete this connector.
$cutPlane delete
This action deletes this cut plane.
$entity delete ?-force? ?-dependents?
This action deletes this entity.
$dist delete
This action deletes the distribution.
$dom delete ?-force? ?-connectors?
This action deletes this domain.
$edge delete
This action deletes the edge.
pw::Entity delete entities
This action deletes the given entities.
$examine delete
This action deletes this examine object.
$filter delete
This action deletes this examine filter.
$face delete
This action deletes the face.
$framework delete
This action deletes this framework system, any framework systems attached to it as children, and any entities contained in the deleted framework systems.
$shape delete
This action deletes the grid shape.
$group delete
This action deletes this group.
$node delete
This action deletes the node and all its children.
$rule delete
This action deletes this rule.
$segment delete
This action deletes the segment.
$entity delete
This action deletes this entity.
$spacing delete
This action deletes the spacing.
$tc delete
This action deletes this T-Rex condition.
$vc delete
This action deletes this volume condition.
$mesher deleteBoundaryConditionFilter name
This command deletes a boundary condition filter.
$mesher deleteBoundaryFilter filter_name
This function deletes an existing boundary filter.
$mesher deleteFilter ?-type filter_type? < index | name >
This action deletes a filter.
$mesher deleteMappingFilter < index | name >
This action deletes a mapping filter.
pw::Spacing deleteNamedValue name
This action deletes a named spacing value.
$bc deleteScalar name
This action deletes a user-defined boundary condition scalar.
$vc deleteScalar name
This action deletes a user-defined volume condition scalar.
pw::Application getFileTypeAttribute filetype_id Description
This gets the file type description.
$rule get/setDescription description
This attribute is a description of the rule.
pw::Application getFileTypeAttribute filetype_id Destination
This gets the IO destination that is expected by the file type.
$entity detachAttributeDictionary ?-part part? attr_dict
This action detaches a pw::AttributeDictionary object from this entity.
pwu::Transform determinant matrix
Return the determinant of a given transform matrix
$block get/setHighOrderSolverAttribute DeviationThreshold value
The maximum threshold for deviation.
pw::Block get/setDefault DeviationThreshold value
The default deviation threshold value assigned to a block when it is created.
pwu::Extents diagonal ext
Get the length of the diagonal of an extents box
pw::Application get/setCAESolverAttribute Dim2PointFormat value
Controls the 2-D point export format.
pw::Connector get/setDefault Dimension dim
This default is the dimension of a connector when it is created.
pw::Application getRuntimeAttribute DirAppPlugins
Application plugins directory.
pw::Application getRuntimeAttribute DirAppPublic
Application public directory.
$block get/setExtrusionSolverAttribute DirectionFlipped flipped
This specifies whether the extrusion direction is flipped.
$block get/setExtrusionSolverAttribute DirectionFlipped flipped
This gets/sets the extrusion direction.
pw::Application getRuntimeAttribute DirPublicPlugins
Public plugins directory.
pw::Application getRuntimeAttribute DirSysAppPublic
System application public directory.
pw::Application getRuntimeAttribute DirSysTemp
System temporary directory.
pw::Application getRuntimeAttribute DirSysUserHome
User home directory.
pw::Application getRuntimeAttribute DirSysUserPrivate
User private directory.
pw::Application getRuntimeAttribute DirSysUserPublic
User public directory.
pwu::Plane distance plane vec
Get the distance from a vector point to the given plane
pwu::Vector3 distanceToLine vec pt dir
Return the distance of the vector to a line
pw::Connector get/setDistributionInfluence influence
This default is a flag to allow the distribution of a connector to effect the dimension of the connector.
pw::Connector get/setDefault DistributionType distribution_type
This default is the distribution of a subconnector when it is created.
pwu::Vector2 divide vec scalar
Scale a vector by inverse of a single scalar value
pwu::Vector3 divide vec scalar
Scale a vector by inverse of a single scalar value
$collection do ?-strict? action ?args...?
This action performs a command on each entity in the collection.
pw::Connector doConnectorsGetDimension
This action checks if connectors will have a dimension after being created and the calculateDimension method called on them, based on the current settings.
$mesher get/setDomainAlgorithm < AdvancingFront | QuadDominant | Hybrid >
This attribute determines the algorithm to use when meshing domains.
pw::Examine domainArea ?-intervals number? resultsVar domain_list
This action reports statistics about the cell area of domains.
$mesher get/setDomainAreaRatioThreshold threshold
This attribute is the metric threshold for domain area ratio.
$mesher get/setDomainAspectRatioThreshold threshold
This attribute is the metric threshold for domain aspect ratio.
pw::Examine domainCentroidX ?-intervals number? resultsVar domain_list
This action reports statistics about the centroid X coordinate of domains.
pw::Examine domainCentroidY ?-intervals number? resultsVar domain_list
This action reports statistics about the centroid Y coordinate of domains.
pw::Examine domainCentroidZ ?-intervals number? resultsVar domain_list
This action reports statistics about the centroid Z coordinate of domains.
$mesher get/setDomainMaximumAngleThreshold threshold
This attribute is the metric threshold for domain maximum angle.
pw::Examine domainSkewAngle ?-intervals number? resultsVar domain_list
This action reports statistics about the skew angle of domains.
pw::Examine domainSkewMaximum ?-intervals number? resultsVar domain_list
This action reports statistics about the maximum skew of domains.
pw::Examine domainSkewMinimum ?-intervals number? resultsVar domain_list
This action reports statistics about the minimum skew of domains.
$io get/setAttribute DomainSplitAngle att_value
Split domains at this angle.
$io get/setAttribute DomainSplitMultipleEdges att_value
Split domains that have multiple edges.
$io get/setAttribute DomainSurfaceDegree att_value
Domain surface degree.
pw::Script get/setDomainUnstructuredSkipMeshing skip
This attribute is a flag for whether meshing on unstructured domains should be skipped.
$block getOversetData ?-path path? Donor index
Return the donor information for an overset fringe object.
$block getOversetData DonorCandidateList index
Return the donor candidate information for an overset fringe or orphan object.
pwu::Vector2 dot vec1 vec2
Calculate the dot product of two vectors
pwu::Vector3 dot vec1 vec2
Calculate the dot product of two vectors
pwu::Time double time
Return the number of fractional seconds since epoch
pw::Display get/setDoublePrecision bool
This attribute controls the floating point precision used in the display.
$edge duplicate
This action creates a copy of the edge.