
The Expansion Ratio (Fidelity) examine metric is available when at least one block is selected for Examine. This metric is compatible with the Fidelity Expansion Ratio metric.

The Expansion Ratio is a measure of the size variation between two adjacent volume cells i and j. Assuming that both adjacent cells have a common face f, the Expansion Ratio between them is computed as follows:

ERi,j = max [Di,f/Dj,f, Dj,f/Di,f]


ERi,j = Expansion ratio between cell i and its adjacent cell j
  • Cells i and j are hexahedral:
  • Di,f = Distance between the centroid of the shared face f and the centroid of the opposite face of cell i
    Dj,f = Distance between the centroid of the shared face f and the centroid of the opposite face of cell j
  • Cells i and/or j are not hexahedral:
  • Di,f = Distance between the centroid of the shared face f and the centroid of the volume cell i
    Dj,f = Distance between the centroid of the shared face f and the centroid of the adjacent volume cell j

The final expansion ratio for cell i is computed by taking the maximum of all the expansion ratios computed for each adjacent cell j:

ERi = maxj [ERi,j]

This function is calculated across entity boundaries when adjacent entities are also selected for Examine.


Tip: The Expansion Ratio function is an excellent diagnostic for finding cell size discontinuities at block interfaces.