
The Dimension tab provides a list for adjusting the number of grid points among the subconnectors of a single connector. If a connector has no interior break points, and thus no subconnectors, only a single subconnector will be listed and will show values equivalent to the Connector Total. In this case, no adjustment can be made since this command does not allow you to change the overall dimension of a connector.

Distribute Dimension Tab
Use the Dimension tab to move grid points among the subconnectors of a connector.

Otherwise, when the selected connector does have interior break points, and thus subconnectors as in the example shown in the figure above, you are given a list of the subconnectors and their individual Current and New or pending dimensions.

Double-clicking the New dimension for a subconnector allows you to either type in a new value directly, or reset the value using the up/down arrows. The down arrow pushes the grid points of the subconnector corresponding to the row to the subconnector displayed below. Similarly, the up arrow pushes the grid points of the subconnector corresponding to the row to the subconnector displayed above.

Distribute Dimension Tab
Use the up/down arrows to push points from one subconnector to a neighbor subconnector.

The Connector Total for this column then updates to show whether the set of subconnectors has too many, too few or the exact number of grid points necessary to match the connector’s overall Current dimension.

When the set of subconnectors have a total dimension matching that of the entire connector, the Dimension command at the bottom becomes available for the new changes to be applied. Select Connector allows you to change, via Display window selection, the focus connector among all those currently selected for the Distribute command panel. A single cell table at the top of the Dimension tab indicates which connector is currently selected for adjustment. The Optimize Dimension command is replicated from the Functions tab and is discussed there.