
Gridgen Generic supports structured grids only. Export can be written in ASCII, Binary, or Unformatted format, and in Single or Double precision.

By default Gridgen Generic supports nine boundary condition types originally supported by Gridgen. However, custom user-defined boundary condition types can be added via a configuration file.

A configuration file is a text (ASCII) file that contains comments, empty lines, and physical type specifications. Comment lines start with the hash character (#); anything on the line after the hash is ignored. Empty lines are ignored.

Each new user-defined boundary condition physical type should be specified in the following manner:

BC BCPhysicalTypeName

where BCPhysicalTypeName is the boundary condition physical type name.

Similarly, each new user-defined volume condition physical type should be specified in the following manner:

VC VCPhysicalTypeName

where VCPhysicalTypeName is the volume condition physical type name.

As an example, a Gridgen Generic configuration file containing three user-defined boundary conditions with physical types Wall, Viscous, and Pressure respectively and two user-defined volume conditions with physical types Solid and Liquid respectively should then look like this:

BC Wall
BC Viscous
BC Pressure
VC Solid
VC Liquid

When defining new physical type names, it is important to keep in mind that existent leading and trailing white spaces will be eliminated and that duplicate names will be silently ignored.

If a format error is encountered in a configuration file, all processing of that file will be stopped and an error will be posted to the Messages window. However, any remaining configuration files will still be processed.

The location of the configuration files should be specified by setting the following environment variable:


where CfgFile is the full path and name of a configuration file. And SepChar is the platform dependent separation character:

  • ; (semicolon) on Windows.
  • : (colon) on Linux and macOS.

Note that more Gridgen Generic solver attributes are available in CAE, Solver Attributes, Gridgen Generic