
Demote controls the drawing delay in Fidelity Pointwise's demote mode. In demote mode, the displayed image is drawn in sparse, outline mode during image manipulation to speed up movement of large models.

View, Demote
The Demote menu controls the pause between screen redraws during demote mode operation.

Off is used to turn off demote mode. The image will always be fully displayed, even during image manipulation.

Low sets a small delay time after image manipulation has stopped before the image is redrawn in full mode. While the image is being rotated, panned, or zoomed it is displayed in sparse mode. The purpose of the delay before redrawing is to allow multiple, successive rotations, pans, and zooms without waiting for the screen to redraw.

Medium sets a medium delay time after image manipulation has stopped before the image is redrawn in full mode.

High sets a large delay time after image manipulation has stopped before the image is redrawn in full mode.

Permanent causes the image to remain displayed in a sparse mode after image manipulations. It will not be redrawn in full mode until Redraw is selected.

Redraw causes the image to be redrawn in full mode immediately. This is the only way to return to full mode if Permanent is selected. If Low, Medium, or High demote modes are being used, Redraw will cause the image to be redrawn immediately without waiting for the end of the demote period.
