
When exporting a structured block to an unstructured CAE format, the presence of poles (point and line singularities) within the structured blocking topology results in collapsed (or degenerate) hexahedral cells, which are unsupported cell types. Fidelity Pointwise, therefore, converts hexes with collapsed faces into either pyramids or prisms, depending on whether the collapsed face is a point singularity or a line singularity.

Fidelity Pointwise converts hexes with collapsed faces to canonical cell types during export to unstructured CAE formats. If the face collapsed to a single point, the hex is converted to a pyramid (shown left). Otherwise, if the face collapsed to a line (shown right), the hex is converted to a prism.

Tip: Before exporting a structured block to an unstructured format, it is a good idea to examine any pole connectors in your mesh to make sure that the topology will be supported. Pole connectors can be easily identified in two ways: in the List panel look for connectors that have the Pole type and in the Display window look for connectors rendered with the pole icon (Pole Icon).

Hexahedral cells with a collapsed edge result in an unsupported wedge cell type (shown below). If this topology is detected during export of the CAE file, Fidelity Pointwise will stop export with an error message referencing the unsupported block topology.

Fluent Degenerate Element
A structured block containing a hex with a degenerate edge results in an unsupported element type when exporting to an unstructured CAE format.