
AzoreCFD export supports 2D and 3D grids of all cell types that can be created in Fidelity Pointwise. Two-dimensional grids are assumed to lie in the x-y plane. Normals for 2D grids must point in the positive z-direction.

Any baffle domains which have CAE boundary conditions assigned to the Fan, Interior, Jump, Porous, or Radiator types will not have their grid points cloned or "inflated" at export. On the other hand, baffle domains assigned to boundary conditions of any other type will have their points cloned.

For AzoreCFD export, blocks with common CAE volume conditions are automatically merged in the CAE file with the VC used as the zone name. To have separate blocks written out with assigned VCs, set a different VC to each block to avoid automatic merge. Alternatively, setting block VCs to Unspecified will cause the blocks to be exported separately under their block names.

The ASCII file format and Single or Double precision can be used for export.


Caution: The presence of pole connectors and pole domains in structured blocks can result in degenerate hexahedral cells when exporting to an unstructured CAE format. Please refer to the Collapsed Cell Types section of this User Manual for more information on which structured topologies result in unsupported cell types.