
The Equiarea, Equivolume Skewness functions are represented as a ratio of the cell's area/volume to the optimum cell area/volume and only applies to triangles and tetrahedra. The measure varies between 0 (good) and 1 (bad). It is recommended this skewness measure be kept below 0.8 for a good grid; values below 0.9 are acceptable, depending on the solver.


Note: Fidelity Pointwise's Equiangle, Equiarea, and Equivolume Skewness functions are directly comparable to Fluent®'s diagnostics of similar name and are highly recommended if you are running this solver.

The skewness is computed as follows:

(Optimal Cell Size - Actual Cell Size) / (Optimal Cell Size)


Optimal Cell Size is the area (for domains) or volume (for blocks) of an equilateral cell with the same circumradius as the actual cell.

The Equiarea, Equivolume Skewness functions are based on Fluent®'s equiarea, equivolume grid quality criteria