
Use the commands in the IJK Cuts frame (shown below) to specify which block (i.e. focus block) should be sliced with the defined IJK cuts and whether these cuts should extend into adjacent structured blocks or not.


Caution: The IJK Cuts frame is only available when using an IJK Cutting plane.

Use the Select IJK Focus frame to enter a picking mode for selection of the focus entity from those in the current primary selection. The focus block will be the only one displaying the IJK cutting plane when Extend Into Adjacent Blocks is off (see below). Use the Begin command to enter into pick mode for the relevant entity type. The command button label changes to End. Press End to leave pick mode. Cancel allows you to exit from pick mode without making any changes to the focus selection.


Note: When dealing with multiblock structured grids, align your blocks before entering examine. If aligned, IJK cuts will be able to seamlessly traverse and span adjacent blocks. Use the Edit, Orient command to align structured blocks.

Examine, IJK Cuts Frame
Use the commands in the IJK Cuts frame to specify the focus block and whether the defined IJK cuts should extend into adjacent structured blocks.

Extend Into Adjacent Blocks forces the IJK cutting plane to extend into any blocks attached to the focus block. The Select Marching Path frame is used to specify a path for the cutting plane in those instances where the selected block topology could split at a bifurcation. Use the Begin command to enter into pick mode for picking a point on the cutting plane. Once a point is picked a gridline is rendered through the block interior to indicate the path that will be followed. The command button label changes to End. Press End to leave pick mode. Cancel allows you to exit from pick mode without making any changes to the marching path.