
The Extrude command requires at least one or more connectors or one or more domains be selected prior to being available. If both connectors and domains are selected, the connectors will be ignored. This command creates, through extrusion of grid points, domains from connectors and blocks from domains. There are four extrusion types: Normal, Translate, Rotate, and Path.

Select the connectors or domains to be extruded, then Create, Extrude. A submenu (show below) is provided to choose from a list of all the available extrusion types: Normal, Translate, Rotate, and Path. If multiple connectors or domains have been selected, assemble the edges or faces that need to be extruded in the Assemble tab and click Done. Set any necessary extrusion attributes, such as translation direction, path, extrusion angle, or boundary conditions. Enter the number of Steps to be extruded. Click Run to have the pending domains or blocks created. Click OK to save the pending domains or blocks and close the panel.

Extrude Sub-Menu
The Extrude submenu is used to select the extrusion type.

Note: Even though you can redo an extrusion by undoing and entering the Extrude panel again, the Re-Extrude command is more useful because all of your settings are recalled. You also don’t have to completely restart the extrusion but can continue from where you left off or even remove a couple of steps.

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