Build Refinement Icon

Build Refinement

The Build Refinement command provides tools to quickly create rectangular cuboid-shaped structured, unstructured, and voxel refinement blocks. Since these blocks are specifically designed for use with overset style grids, the command requires the selection of an overset assembler (Refer to the Grid, Overset command and associated Attributes tab for more information) and also the selection of at least one domain or block in order to become enabled.


Caution: The grid entities selected before entering the Build Refinement command are not used to form interior faces of the block being created. They are, however, used to provide location and size field references for all of the Build Refinement block types.

After specifying the appropriate overset assembler, and selecting at least one domain or block, select Create, Build Refinement. A submenu (shown below) is provided to choose from a list of all the available block types: Structured, Unstructured, and Voxel. This will be the default block type applied when the Build Refinement panel opens.

Build Refinement Submenu
The Build Refinement submenu is used to select the block type to be created upon opening the Build Refinement panel. As shown, the available options in the panel will change depending on the currently selected block type.

Tip: Choose the desired option in the Build Refinement submenu (shown above) to have that block type applied when the Build Refinement panel opens (shown below).

Use the Build Refinement functionality to create refinement blocks (Structured, Unstructured, or Voxel) based on existing grid entities.

Note: This command requires the selection of an overset assembler (Refer to the Grid, Overset command and associated Attributes tab for more information) and also the selection of at least one domain or block in order to become enabled.

For more information on the Build Refinement command, choose an option below: