
The tools contained in the Geometry Characteristics frame are designed to visualize the geometric characteristics of the selected database models to be meshed. Furthermore, these tools allow you to not only review the numeric values of such characteristics but also to render them and to zoom in or out to clearly visualize them.

Automatic Surface Mesh, Global, Geometry Characteristics frame
The Geometry Characteristics frame displays geometric information related to the database model to be meshed. Furthermore, the tools in this frame allow you to control what information is displayed and also zoom in to the precise areas of interest.

The Max. Model Extents parameter reports the maximum extents of the selected database models. If the corresponding checkbox is checked on, a white box encompassing all of the models and aligned with the principal planes is rendered in the Display window in wireframe style. This box represents the extents of the selected database models.

The Min. Boundary Length parameter reports the minimum boundary length in the selected database models. If the corresponding checkbox is checked on, the corresponding edge is rendered in white in the Display window.


Tip: The Min. Boundary Length is usually a small feature and may be difficult to see while viewing the full geometry. You can click the magnifying lens (Magnifying Lens Icon) or hover the mouse over the value to zoom into a characteristic.

The Model Boundaries parameter reports the number of lamina boundaries in the selected database models. Lamina boundaries correspond to surface edges used by exactly one database surface. If the corresponding checkbox is checked on, the lamina boundaries are rendered in red in the Display window. For more information on lamina boundaries, please review the Models section in this User Manual.

The Symmetry Boundaries parameter reports the number of symmetry boundaries in the selected database models. Symmetry boundaries are lamina boundaries that form a closed loop and are contained on one of the principal planes within a symmetry tolerance. If the corresponding checkbox is checked on, these boundaries are rendered in green in the Display window.

Automatic Surface Mesh, Global, Geometry Characteristics
The geometric characteristics of the database models to be meshed are color coded when rendered in the Display window for easy visualization.

Note: It is important to note that the extent box displayed by the Max. Model Extents command is always aligned with the primary planes. Likewise, the Symmetry Boundaries command can only detect symmetry boundaries that are aligned with one of the primary planes.

A few additional tools common to all the geometry characteristics parameters detailed above are designed to aid in their visualization. The magnifying lens (Magnifying Lens Icon) enables you to zoom in or out to clearly visualize the appropriate characteristic. Additionally, hovering your mouse over the label with the name of a parameter displays a tool tip with pertinent information. Last but not least, hovering your mouse over the label with the value of a parameter renders the parameter (as discussed above) in the Display window and zooms in or out for clear visualization.

Hovering your mouse over the label with the name of one of the geometry characteristic parameters displays a tooltip with pertinent information.


Automatic Surface Mesh: Global Tab Part I